Grief Support

Categories: General

Grief is a difficult emotion. Whether experiencing a recent loss or still grappling with the loss of a loved one from long ago, grief knows no time. Grief can come and go; it can appear when least expected. It can also feel heavier during special times of the year — including the holidays. For those experiencing grief of any kind, Fellowship Square Historic Mesa’s own Chaplain Kurt encourages people to work through their grief through the support of others.

Here, he offers advice and suggests a resource available to residents of Fellowship Square Historic Mesa. “Each individual processes loss or grief differently. There are no time limits. Every person does not process in the same way. There will be good days and bad days as the person learns to live without someone or something,” he says. “Grieving does not only include the loss of someone, it also can be the loss of something like the ability to drive or consolidating a lifetime of memories and belongings into a smaller space.

While it’s important to take these aspects into consideration, he also emphasizes that at some point, the emotions and feelings that grief bring about are going to have to be dealt with. Chaplain Kurt suggests residents get involved with a program such as GriefShare. GriefShare is a group-setting program offered at Fellowship Square Historic Mesa. This program, which has been proven to help many individuals, is a 13-week professional curriculum that includes a workbook and weekly video presentations. It is led by individuals who have processed grief on many levels. “The resident leading GriefShare here at Fellowship Square of Historic Mesa has lost two precious children that she has had to process,” he says. “Talking about things is healthy, and so is accepting the fact that anger, shame and confusion are just some of the emotions that one will feel. In any emotional setting, the worst thing to do is suppress those feelings and emotions and not deal with them.”

GriefShare is held on our Mesa campus on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in Chaplain Kurt’s office (Q Corner) and all are welcome. Currently, there are anywhere from two to seven residents that attend weekly. In addition, Chaplain Kurt can make arrangements to meet individually with those who may need it. Often, a season of celebrations and gatherings with friends and loved ones, the holidays can be particularly difficult for those who are grieving. Here are a few simple tips to help:

  • Connect with others who are grieving, such as through GriefShare
  • Create new traditions
  • Don’t do it alone: Reach out to supportive family, friends, and neighbors.
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Develop some coping skills such as breathing exercises or meditation, journaling, walking, or practicing yoga.

Fellowship Square Historic Mesa reminds residents they do not need to struggle through grief alone, especially during the holidays. It is important to handle and deal with grief as it arises, whether through a group format such as GriefShare or with a counselor or other trusted individual. To learn more about GriefShare, visit

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