Grow Better Health With Gardening!

By Tracey Biggerstaff
Categories: Independent Living

Getting your hands dirty through gardening can
actually be beneficial to your health!

A study featured on the National Library of Medicine website revealed some healthy aspects of gardening. The website states: “there is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space, and particularly to gardening is beneficial to mental and physical health.”

Physical activity, social interaction and exposure
to nature and sunlight seems add up to the trifecta that makes gardening such a positive activity for people. In addition, “Sunlight lowers blood pressure as well as increasing vitamin D levels in the summer, and the fruit and vegetables that are produced have a positive impact on the diet.”

The article goes on to state that working in a
garden can help restore dexterity and strength and
gardening can even serve as an aerobic exercise, with caloric expenditure similar to what one might
experience during a regular gym workout.

We encourage Fellowship Square Historic Mesa residents to get out, enjoy some sunshine, make new friends and get some physical exercise.  Enjoy the the beautiful and delicious fruits of your labor like our Independent and Assisted Living residents with the Fellowship Square Historic Mesa Garden Club!

Residents at Fellowship Square Historic Mesa planting in raised garden beds outdoors.

Active senior living residents are enjoying the recent expansion and improvements of the gardening area with new raised planting beds, thanks to a donation and the volunteer efforts of our friends with IMEG Engineering

In addition, the Garden Club is excited to start composting and will even be utilizing some of our kitchen scraps.

Members enjoy sharing the bounty of fresh vegetables — including celery, Swiss chard and tomatoes — with all Fellowship Square Historic Mesa residents and in doing so, often grow new friends too!

If you are a Fellowship Square Historic Mesa resident and would like to join the Garden Club, please reach out to our Life Enrichment office for more information.

If you are not a resident and would like to see our garden areas and enjoy a tour of our community, please contact us.



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