Updates on COVID-19
As COVID-19 transitions into an endemic phase, we remain vigilant and committed to monitoring the situation closely.
We continue to align our policy updates with the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Pima County Health Department, and the Arizona Department of Health to ensure our retirement community's ongoing safety and well-being.
Monitoring Community Levels
The CDC's COVID-19 Community Level guide is a tool that provides the current COVID-19 infection rate for counties throughout the United States. The CDC divides infection rates into three levels: low, medium, and high.
Knowing the current infection rate helps communities and individuals decide on prevention strategies based on their local infection rates and unique needs. You can use the COVID-19 County Check tool below to see the community levels and prevention steps for your county of interest.
Not feeling well? When to get tested
COVID-19 tests are safe, effective, and critical to stopping the spread of the virus.
Please Note: If you are at a high risk of getting very sick, or have questions about your specific symptoms and health conditions, please call your doctor or healthcare provider first!
If you have symptoms, you should get tested right away, even if you have been vaccinated. If you were exposed and you do not have symptoms, wait at least 5 full days after exposure before testing.
How to protect yourself and others - staying up to date with your COVID-19 vaccine.
There are three ways to find a vaccine near you: