Make Yourself at Home: Finding Your Place in a New Assisted Living Community

Categories: General, Assisted Living

As a new resident of an assisted living community, you may have apprehensions about unfamiliar surroundings. However, today’s assisted living communities, such as Fellowship Square, have activities and amenities designed to help their residents feel right at home and help them become part of a new community of friends and neighbors. To make the most of your new living quarters, Fellowship Square offers the following tips to help you get acquainted.

 Elderly couples walking

Ask for a Tour

It’s likely you had a tour of the facility prior to moving in; however, once you are officially part of a new community, ask for another tour. This will help you get acquainted with your surroundings as well as a brief rundown of where all the amenities are – from the mailbox to the dining room.


Decorate Your New Digs

Hang your favorite paintings, put pictures in frames for display and use your favorite color schemes to design your new space in a bright and cheerful manner. Using items that have significance to you as well as new items will make your new home feel special and differentiate it from your previous home.


Get Involved

Whether you want to participate in church sermons, group fitness classes or other activities, find out what the community has to offer and take part in those that interest you. Make an effort to participate in some of the events because they are the perfect opportunity to meet other residents in a fun and social atmosphere.


Make a New Friend

Don’t be shy about approaching another person or group in the dining room or before or after church. It’s likely that there are other new residents who are looking for a friendly face to help them feel more comfortable in their new surroundings, too.


Make Yourself Comfortable

Continue to do the things you used to do in your former neighborhood. For example, if you like to take early morning or evening walks, continue that pattern. It’s likely you’ll start to bump into other residents that have similar routines, and you can strike up conversation and even form a new routine with a new friend!


Ask for Assistance

This is your new home — and any assisted living community is going to want you to embrace it as such. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to ask the caregivers or your loved ones who can relay any issue or problems to the staff. Together you can find a solution to any concerns.


Give it Time

As with any major change in life, you will need time to adjust to your new surroundings and that’s okay. Take your time and settle in according to your own comfort level.

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