14th Edition of the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 (LZ 150) Released

Categories: In The News

The 14th edition of the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 (LZ 150) has been released, showcasing the largest and most complex not-for-profit senior living/healthcare organizations. Christian Care Companies, which owns and operates the valley’s Fellowship Square locations, repeatedly ranked on several of the annual report’s lists. The 2017 LeadingAge Ziegler 150 features the largest not-for-profit systems providing aging services through senior living in the United States in an effort to “illustrate the size of the not-for-profit segment of the senior living sector, in order to better raise awareness of the characteristics and overall trends of growing systems,” according to the report.

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Under the category of The Nation’s Largest Not-for-profit Multi-site Senior Living Organizations 3-1a, ranked by total senior living units, Christian Care Companies came in at 31, five spots above its 2016 ranking of 36. It was listed number 16 on The Nation’s Largest Not-for-profit Multi-site Senior Living Organizations 3-1a, ranked by independent living units, up from 2016’s 19th place standing. On The Nation’s Largest Not-for-profit Multi-site Senior Living Organizations 3-1c, ranked by assisted living units, Christian Care Companies came in at 46.

Christian Care Companies also made the list for Organizational Characteristics: Affordable Housing, ranked by total affordable housing units, at number 37, and 31st for aggregate growth from 1999 to 2016. Both Reflections at Fellowship Square Mesa and Christian Care Cottonwood Assisted Living were ranked for Growth: Expansions, Community Expansions. Fellowship Square’s Tucson Campus came in 59th on the Largest Individual Campuses, The Nation’s Largest Not-for-profit Senior Living Communities, while the Phoenix Campus came in closely behind at the 79 spot. Christian Care Companies was also included on the Affordable Housing Providers, The Largest Not-for-profit Providers of Affordable Housing list and the Multi-site Senior Living Providers list at number 42.

The Christian Care Companies are proud to be among so many of the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 lists in 2017. Christian Care continues to pride itself on being a faith-based community for seniors to enjoy the independence and grace of their golden years.

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