Fellowship Square’s Spotlight on Chaplain Jayne Reynolds

Categories: General, In The News

As a member of the Fellowship Square team for nearly 10 years, Jayne Reynolds has been serving as the community’s Chaplain for the past two of those. Studying theology in addition to business in England prior to moving to the states, Jayne has always had a strong faith background.

 Jayne Reynolds, Fellowship Square Chaplain

In her role as Chaplain at Fellowship Square, Jayne conducts personal one-on-one visits with residents and visits them during hospital or rehab stays, offering encouragement, prayer, spiritual insight, and a caring touch.

“Some of our residents have family that live far away so they might not have a lot of visitors,” explains Jayne, adding sometimes it’s just as simple as offering the gift of touch. “A pat on the shoulder or a hug lets our residents know they have someone that cares, someone to talk to and someone who is willing to listen.” In addition to personal visits, Jayne conducts bible studies on campus, works with the choir director and preachers for special services/performances for holidays, and writes inspiring content for the community newsletter.

Inspired by the Bible Verse: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27), the Fellowship Square communities have always placed great importance on the care and wellbeing of the elderly. Jayne feels this faith-centric atmosphere can be felt the moment anyone walks onto campus. “There is a feeling of belonging, of peace, and of coming home here,” she says, “because we pray for our residents, staff and protection over our campus. I do believe God is watching over us because we take seriously his charge of protecting and caring for the elderly. It gives us an incredible sense of service and that we can feel.”

Fellowship Square

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