Fellowship Square Celebrations National Senior Health and Fitness Day

Categories: General, In The News

This Wednesday, May 30, 2018, marks the 25th anniversary of National Senior Health and Fitness Day, which takes place annually on the last Wednesday of May. This date is dedicated to the awareness of keeping older Americans healthy and fit. More than 100,000 older adults are expected to participate in activities at more than 1,000 locations around the country this Wednesday, according to FitnessDay.com. 

Fellowship Square Historic Mesa campus, located at 35 W. Brown Ave., has its very own National Senior Health and Fitness Day celebration for residents and their families on May 30. Planned events are dedicated to activities that focus on the importance of health, fitness, and overall mind, body and spiritual wellbeing.

The festival takes place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and will promote the importance of health and exercise, and showcase local organizations that are committed to improving the health of older adults in the community. Guests can participate in activities such as mind-body connection courses and art classes, as well as a presentation by international speaker Donna Lewen, BA, ATRIC, who has 25 years of professional aquatics experience and facilitates spiritual self-mastery workshops. Lewen will also host a question-and-answer session on the topics of exercise and diabetes, and two massage therapists will be offering 15-minute chair massages onsite. 

For those that wish to recognize National Senior Health and Fitness Day individually, this would be a great day to start a new fitness program (with the approval of a doctor, of course) or make a commitment to other healthy habits such as eating the right foods to properly fuel the body, getting enough rest, “exercising” the mind and more. Every day can be National Senior Health and Fitness Day, and it’s never too late to start making the ultimate investment in one’s own body and health. All it takes is one small step toward a healthy new goal! For more, visit www.fellowshipsquareseniorliving.org


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