6945 East Main Street
Mesa, AZ 85207

Title VI & ADA Compliance

Title VI Notice to the Public

Christian Care Mesa, Inc. operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the Christian Care Mesa, Inc.

If you're looking for more information on the Christian Care Mesa, Inc. civil rights program, the full Title VI Implementation Policy is available below. The procedures to file a complaint are posted at the bottom of this page in English and Spanish.

If information is needed in another language, contact (480) 654-1800.
Para información en Español llame: Russell Amparano (480) 654-1800.

Click on the link below to download the full Title VI Implementation Plan:

​> Title VI Implementation Plan - English & Spanish

These procedures provide guidance for all complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as they relate to any program or activity that is administered by Fellowship Square Mesa, including consultants, contractors, and vendors. Intimidation or retaliation as a result of a complaint is prohibited by law.

In addition to these procedures, complainants reserve the right to file a formal complaint with other State or Federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. Every effort will be made to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level.

For more information on Christian Care Mesa, Inc.'s civil rights program and the procedures to file a complaint, contact Christian Care Mesa, Inc. Director of Business Development, 480-654-1800 (TTY: 711), email [email protected], or visit our administrative office at 6945 E Main St Bldg 5, Mesa, AZ 85207.

To view the Title VI procedures and complaint form click the link below:

> Title VI Complaint Procedures & Form

Estos procedimientos brindan orientación para todas las quejas presentadas bajo el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, ya que se relacionan con cualquier programa o actividad administrado por Christian Care Mesa, Inc., incluidos consultores, contratistas y proveedores. La intimidación o represalias como resultado de una queja están prohibidas por ley.

Además de estos procedimientos, los denunciantes se reservan el derecho de presentar una denuncia formal ante otras agencias estatales o federales o de buscar asesoramiento privado para denuncias que alegan discriminación. Se hará todo lo posible para resolver las quejas al nivel más bajo posible.

Para obtener más información sobre la Christian Care Mesa, Inc.'s programa de derechos civiles, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, contacte Director of Business Development, 480-654-1800 (TTY: 711), email [email protected], o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 6945 E Main St Bldg 5, Mesa, AZ 85207

> Procedimientos de Dununcia y Forma de Reclamación Bajo el Título VI

Notifying the Public of Rights Under ADA

Christian Care Mesa, Inc. operates its programs and services without regard to disability in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under ADA may file a complaint with Christian Care Mesa, Inc.

For more information on Christian Care Mesa, Inc.'s civil rights program and the procedures to file a complaint, contact Christian Care Mesa, Inc. Director of Business Development, 480-654-1800 (TTY: 711), email [email protected], or visit our administrative office at 6945 E Main St Bldg 5, Mesa, AZ 85207.

A complainant may file a complaint directly with the City of Phoenix Public Transit Department or the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) by filing a complaint directly with the corresponding offices of Civil Rights:

City of Phoenix Public Transit Department 
ATTN: ADA Coordinator
302 N. 1st Ave., Suite 900
Phoenix AZ 85003

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
ATTN: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building,
5th Floor-TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington DC 20590

If information is needed in another language, contact Todd Carling at 480-654-1800.

ADA Complaint Procedure 

If you believe Christian Care Mesa, Inc. has engaged in discrimination against one or more persons based on medical condition or disability, please complete the complaint form below, sign it, and return it to the address listed in the document.

> ADA Complaint Procedure

> ADA Complaint Form

Aviso al Público Sobre los Derechos Bajo el ADA

Christian Care Mesa, Inc. (y sus subcontratistas, si cualquiera) asegura complir con la Ley estadounidense con discapacidades (ADA) de 1990, Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973. El nivel y la calidad de servicios de transporte serán provehidos sin consideración a su raza, color, o pais de origen.

Para obtener más información sobre la Christian Care Mesa, Inc.'s programa de derechos civiles, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, contacte Director of Business Development, 480-654-1800 (TTY: 711), email [email protected], o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 6945 E Main St Bldg 5, Mesa, AZ 85207. 

El puede presentar una queja directamente con City of Phoenix Public Transit Department o Federal Transit Administration (FTA) mediante la presentación de una queja directamente con las oficinas correspondientes de Civil Rights.

City of Phoenix Public Transit Department 
ATTN: ADA Coordinator
302 N. 1st Ave., Suite 900
Phoenix AZ 85003

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
ATTN: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building,
5th Floor-TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington DC 20590

Procedimientos de Denuncia de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA)

Christian Care Mesa, Inc. (y sus subcontratistas, si cualquiera) asegura complir con la Ley estadounidense con discapacidades (ADA) de 1990, Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973. El nivel y la calidad de servicios de transporte serán provehidos sin consideración a su raza, color, o pais de origen.

Para obtener más información sobre la Christian Care Mesa, Inc.'s programa de derechos civiles, y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, contacte Director of Business Development, 480-654-1800 (TTY: 711), o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 6945 E Main St Bldg 5, Mesa, AZ 85207. 

> Procedimientos de Denuncia de la Ley de ADA

> Formulario de reclamo por discriminación de la Ley de ADA

Support Christian Care Mesa



I love living in a community where my friends appreciate my sense of humor:  10,000 Swedes came thru the weeds chased by one Norwegian.  The dust from the weeds and sweat from the Swedes made snuff for the one Norwegian.    



I enjoy riding the bus to and from medical appointments.  I don't have to think about where to go or park my car.  And I love the drivers, they are so patient and kind. 



I am so happy that I am living at Fellowship Square.  The food is wonderful and I can play bridge whenever I want.  

Plates of gourmet food

Have Lunch on Us

Have more questions? Join us for a campus tour and complimentary lunch Monday through Saturday.  Please call to schedule. 


Fellowship Square Mesa
6945 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ 85207
PH: (888) 460-2182

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