Rhonda Thiel

Vice President of Operations
Rhonda Thiel joined the Christian Care/Fellowship Square family in November 2024, bringing extensive experience and a lifelong dedication to healthcare and senior living.
Originally from Neenah, Wisconsin - and a proud Green Bay Packers fan - Rhonda moved to Arizona in 2003, where her career in healthcare leadership continued to flourish.
Rhonda grew up in the healthcare industry, learning from her Dad, a Nursing Home Administrator who later became the CEO of the nation’s largest assisted living operator. She began her career in college, working in a hospital setting, first assembling and delivering food trays, then as a CNA on an orthopedic unit and in skilled nursing. She later worked as a Health Unit Coordinator in a NICU and managed group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Since holding her first Executive Director position in Arizona in 2003, Rhonda has steadily advanced in the field, serving most recently as a Regional Director of Operations overseeing communities across Arizona, Texas, and Colorado.
Rhonda holds a bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration and Business, is a Certified Dementia Practitioner, and is licensed as an Assisted Living Manager in Arizona. She also serves as Board Chair for the Arizona Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA), whose mission is to support Arizona senior living communities by ensuring they receive top-notch education and legislative support.
Known for her transformational leadership style, Rhonda is passionate about inspiring others to reach their potential while driving organizational success. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 118:24: “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Rhonda and her husband, whom she has known since grade school, are proud parents of four children. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and continuing her legacy of service. She is also deeply involved in her church, Light of the Desert in Cave Creek, where she serves by singing on the worship team, sponsoring two children in Uganda through Hope For Kids International, and leading women’s ministry.