Fellowship Square Blog

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Family Near and Far

Fellowship Square offers ways for seniors to celebrate Thanksgiving while staying safe. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Seasons

How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Can Impact Seniors and Tips to Help Combat it

There is no doubt it has been a difficult year with the health concerns surrounding COVID-19 at the forefront of many seniors’ minds. And, unfortunately, as the year finally comes to a close, comes another “downer” — Seasonal Affective Disorder. Fellowship Square discusses this disorder, why this year may impact seniors worse than in previous years, and tips to help combat it. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Awareness and Education for American Diabetes Month

Fellowship Square shares some important information for seniors in regards to diabetes. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Pumpkin Recipes: Easy Snacks and Recipe Ideas to Enjoy this Fall

For seniors that enjoy cooking and baking with pumpkin, Fellowship Square offers the following ideas featuring all things pumpkin! Read More
Categories: General

Prayer 101: How to Strengthen One’s Connection to God

Fellowship Square offers simple tips for using prayer to reconnect with the Lord. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Yoga for Mental and Physical Fitness

There are many great benefits of regular yoga practice, and Fellowship Square offers some tips for seniors to maximize these benefits. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Fitness, Health

Fall Fun for Seniors and their Families

Even though the valley’s daytime temperatures may not be indicative of the transition from summer, it’s time to celebrate the fall season! Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Fellowship Square Celebrates World Heart Day with Healthy Heart Tips

Fellowship Square shares more from the WHF about CVD and some heart healthy tips too. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Falls Prevention Awareness Day (September 22) – Safety Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square shares tips for seniors to protect themselves against injury due to falling. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Falls

The Power of Love: How senior couples can bond during retirement, moving, or through illness

For couples that are hoping to reconnect and rekindle their love through retirement, moving, illness or other situations, Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health
Fellowship Square

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