Fellowship Square Blog

Tips for Hosting a Family Picnic this Summer

Fellowship Square offers some easy and fun tips for planning a picnic for the whole family this summer. Read More

Fun Outdoor Fitness Ideas

Fellowship Square offers some fun outdoor fitness ideas for summertime. Read More

5 Unique Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, June 21. This day offers an excellent opportunity to reconnect with Dad, share memories and find ways to show him how much he means to you. Read More

Fellowship Square Celebrates National Senior Health and Fitness Day with Get Fit and Healthy Tips

This May 27 marks the 27th annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day. Designated as the last Wednesday in May, this day has become the largest health and wellness event for older adults. While many public events that typically would have been held in celebration of National Senior Health and Fitness Day have been cancelled due to COVID-19, it is still a great time to recognize the importance of health and fitness. Fellowship Square offers seniors some easy ways to kick off their own health and fitness routine. Read More

Arthritis 101: Pain Management Tips and More

In honor of Arthritis Awareness, Fellowship Square shares some “arthritis 101” and tips for managing pain as a result of arthritis. Read More

Health Tips in Honor of National Women’s Health Week

Every year kicking off after Mother’s Day, National Women’s Week is observed, according to the CDC to serve as a “reminder to omen to take care of themselves, and to make their health a priority.” In honor of National Women’s Health Week, Fellowship Square offers some tips for women to maintain and improve their overall health — at any age. Read More

Tips for Starting a Fitness Routine

It’s never too late to start a healthy new habit like exercise. Getting active is essential for body, mind and soul, fitness is a great hobby and it’s also a great way to be social! Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for starting a fitness routine. Read More

Tips for Senior Immunizations for World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week is celebrated throughout the last week of April, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is intended “to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.” In a time when many people are hoping and praying that a vaccine will help cure and end COVID-19, it’s also important for seniors to remember and stay up to date on other immunizations that could be lifesaving. Read More

Ways to Honor and Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22, the world celebrates Mother Earth with her very own day. While many group activities typically held in her honor may not be taking place this year, there are still many ways seniors can celebrate Earth Day without even leaving the house! Fellowship Square offers the following ways to honor Earth Day this year. Read More

He is Risen

We are experiencing an unprecedented event, but let’s remember that God is still with us and He is still in control. Read More
Categories: General
Fellowship Square

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