Fellowship Square Blog

Important Ways to Honor Military Personnel on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is synonymous with a long three-day weekend, pool parties, BBQs, fireworks and more. However, for seniors, veterans and military personnel, Memorial Day has a much deeper meaning, and it should be honored for all that it truly signifies — the remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price in the name of America. Fellowship Square shares simple yet important ways to honor military personnel this Memorial Day (along with enjoying time with family, a good BBQ and more). Read More

Celebrating Mother’s Day with Seniors: How Adult Daughters Can Bond with their Mothers with Alzheimer’s

Mother’s Day is a special time for mothers of any age to spend with their daughters, granddaughters and their own mothers. However, for adult daughters whose mothers are experiencing dementia or have Alzheimer’s Disease, Mother’s Day may bring feelings of sadness, stress or even anger. Some adult children even relate their parents having very advanced stages of Alzheimer’s (or any serious illness or diagnosis) with already losing them, and that is understandable. However, Fellowship Square notes that Mother’s Day can still be a joyous time for women — and shares easy tips on simple ways for all families to bond on this special day honoring Mom. Read More

Tips for Managing Arthritis in Honor of National Arthritis Awareness Month

May is recognized as National Arthritis Awareness Month and serves as an opportunity to help seniors learn more about this condition and how to manage it. Fellowship Square shares more about this movement and the condition itself to help seniors with arthritis reduce and manage pain associated with arthritis. Read More

Fun Outdoor Sports and Activities to do with Seniors this Spring

Now is the time to get out and enjoy the weather before the summer sun has valley residents seeking the refuge of the air-conditioned indoors! There is plenty of fun and active things caregivers and loved ones can do with their favorite seniors this spring. Fellowship Square shares some ideas and tips for planning a fun day outdoors. Read More

Fun and Easy Ways to Easter Sunday and Earth Day with Seniors

With Easter Sunday and Earth Day happening back-to-back this year, there are plenty of ways to celebrate the holiday — and the planet — this weekend. Fellowship Square offers fun and simple ways to honor both of these events. Read More

What Seniors Need to Know About Being a Donor

Giving life to a person in need by way of being an organ donor is one of the most amazing gifts a person can give before they leave this earth! April has been deemed National Donate Life Month (NDLM) by Donate Life America in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of becoming a donor and what people need to know to become a donor. Fellowship Square dives in to share some facts and recent research about becoming an organ, eye and tissue donor. Read More

The Benefits of Walking for Seniors

For many years, the first Wednesday in April has been deemed National Walking Day, a day to bring awareness to the many health benefits of this low-impact exercise. However, this day, originally sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA), has evolved into the Move More, Live More movement. Instead of just one day of the month, the entire month of April is now dedicated to celebrating physical activity and encouraging “all Americans to commit to being more active on a regular basis,” according to the American Heart Association website. Read More

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors Based on the New Tax Cuts

With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which was signed in 2017, many retirees and seniors may be questioning how this new law will impact their filing — and more importantly, their returns. With Tax Day rapidly approaching on April 15, Fellowship Square shares new information for filing in 2019 to help provide clarity for seniors as they prepare their taxes. Read More

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Kidney in Honor of National Kidney Month

March is recognized as National Kidney Month, and there is no better time to help seniors understand the risks and treatment for this disease. According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney disease can develop at any age but people over the age of 60 more likely than not will develop the disease. Fellowship Square Read More

Helping Seniors Understand and Prevent Diabetes on American Diabetes Alert Day

On the last Tuesday of March every year, is March 26 this year, the American Diabetes Association Alert Day is held to encourage people to take the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test and learn more about the risk of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, one in three Americans is at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Fellowship Square takes a closer look at this disease, its risks and how seniors can prevent it. Read More
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