Fellowship Square Blog

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips for Seniors

Admittedly enjoying extra sweet and treats is one of the most fun parts of the holidays. However, at any age, deterring too far from any nutrition plan can result in bloating, feeling sluggish, digestive and stomach issues and more. While the caregivers at Fellowship Square are all In favor of indulging a bit in festive feasting during the season, they offer tips to help keep seniors’ nutrition on track, for the most part! Read More

Out with the Old… In with the New!

As another year comes to a close and people begin to welcome in 2019, there is no better time to think about de-cluttering, making a change in a senior’s living situation (such as down-sizing or moving into an assisted living facility) or setting goals for a New Year. Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors and their caregivers for a smooth transition. Read More

Bringing the Spirit of the Season to Seniors

Caregivers and family members that assist with seniors whether they are in assisted living or still on their own are such important people in the seniors’ lives. They provide nurturing, love and all the things that help ease the lives’ of ailing seniors. During the holidays, they can also be instrumental in making sure that the seniors in their lives are enjoying this festive season. Fellowship Square offers tips for caregivers and loved ones to help bring the spirit of the season to seniors! Read More

Special Ways Seniors Can Contribute to the Season

Tis the season! The month of December brings the joy of the holidays — celebrations, time with family and friends, gift giving and merriment. While the holidays are supposed to be happy times, sometimes can seniors can have trouble finding their place in the celebrations. Fellowships Square offers ideas for special ways seniors can contribute to the season. Read More

Celebrating Jesus All Month Long

Now that Thanksgiving has passed and December is around the corner, many people start focusing on the next big holidays during the last month of the year —Christmas. While this date is intended to be about the celebration of the birth of Christ, oftentimes, the hustle bustle of parties, shopping and feasting redirects the focus. However, Fellowship Square offers tips to maintain the reason for the season and celebrating Jesus all month long. Read More

The Attitude of Gratitude: Easy and Fun Ways to Give Thanks to Seniors This Month

November is all about being thankful and showing gratitude. Expressing appreciation for seniors (and all loved ones) doesn’t have to be limited to Thanksgiving Day. Why not spread the love all month long — or better yet, year round! Sometimes seniors don’t get the appreciation they deserve, so Fellowship Square is sharing simple ways that loved ones can show elders their “attitude of gratitude.” Read More

Honoring Veterans on Veterans Day

November 11th is an important day of recognition for those who have served in the U.S. military, which many seniors and residents of Fellowship Square have done. There are many ways that caretakers and loved ones can show appreciation for the veterans in their lives on this day and ways to honor the day together. Fellowship Square offers the following ideas. Read More

Finding Faith: Turning to the Lord For Support When Feeling Alone

Throughout the holiday season there is much cause for merriment, with celebrations and gatherings with friends and loved ones. However, many seniors and elderly people that don’t have family or friends nearby could end up feeling alone during a time that is supposed to feel joyous. Especially during these times, it’s important for seniors to remember — or their caregivers to help remind them — that they are never alone with the Lord by their side. Read More

Easy Tips to Help Seniors Stay Healthy Through Flu Season

With fall and winter seasons come cool weather and holiday festivities with friends and loved ones, but also the dreaded flu season. While people of any age are susceptible, its important that seniors that may have fragile immune systems do their best to stave off colds. Luckily, there are some easy tips to staying healthy through flu season. Fellowship Square offers the following tips: Read More

Tips for Recognizing Depression in the Elderly

Many recognize October as National Depression Awareness month, and Fellowship Square feels that depression should be recognized all year round. Diagnosis impacts many seniors, and its important to recognize the signs so loved ones and caretakers can get the seniors in their lives the help they need. Read More
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