Fellowship Square Blog

Tips for Communicating with a Dementia Sufferer

As loved ones age and begin to lose the power of their memory, relating to and communicating with them can become increasingly difficult. Keeping in mind these tips can ensure your relationships with dementia sufferers remain strong when they need you most. Read More

Memory Loss Versus Alzheimer’s: How to Tell the Difference

Memory loss is often associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. However, memory loss is not necessarily an indicator of these more serious illnesses. In fact, age-related memory loss is quite common. However, determining which is which is important. Read More

Keeping Seniors Hydrated

While everyone is at risk for dehydration, it’s especially crucial that older adults and seniors pay attention to their hydration levels, or that their caregivers and loved ones watch out for the sighs of dehydration in seniors. Read More

5 Signs of Memory Loss You May Not Easily Recognize

While most people associate Alzheimer’s disease with memory loss, there is more to the disease. These five signs of memory loss are not usually recognized as “red flags” — yet they should be. Read More

Eat Your Way to Healthy Brain Function

Researchers and scientists recommend certain foods that they believe can help slow the effects of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. A healthy diet with a wide variety of the following foods combined with exercise can play an important role in keen cognitive brain function. Read More

June Marks Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

The Alzheimer’s Association has dedicated itself to finding a cure — and encourages others to “Go Purple” in June to spread awareness and learn about the truths and misconceptions surrounding Alzheimer’s in order to help end the disease for good. Read More

Living a Healthy Lifestyle After 60

They don’t call them the “Golden Years” for nothing — life after 60 can be an incredible time in any senior’s life. Fellowship Square offers our top five ways to live a healthy lifestyle after the age of 60. Read More

Motivational Fitness Tips for Seniors

In honor of National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 25, Fellowship Square is sharing some motivational tips on how to help the beloved seniors in your life get in shape and stay active in their golden years. Check out our “Top 5” Ways to Motivate Seniors! Read More

Home Remedies to Soothe Arthritis and Chronic Joint Pain

When suffering with arthritis, it’s important to listen to your body’s signs. It’s also crucial to note that the seasons can actually have an effect on chronic joint pain, specifically humid weather. Read More

Arthritis Awareness Month: Early Detection and Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis Awareness Month brings attention to those dealing with this type of chronic pain and their loved ones to help detect early symptoms and follow the right steps to ensure proper care and treatment. While it’s important to consult a physician to determine whether you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of arthritis, there are some indicatives clues. Read More
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