In The News

Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of World Mental Health Day

Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors and their caregivers on how to prioritize mental health and well-being. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Tips for Healthy Aging Month

In honor of Healthy Aging Month, Fellowship Square offers tips for people of all ages who want to live their lives to the fullest at any age, but especially into their senior years. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Aging, Health

Celebrating Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day is honored annually on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Beyond celebrating grandparents, Fellowship Square takes a look at the history of this holiday and how families can honor it this year. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Family

Medication Overdose Awareness

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day. Fellowship Square takes a look at the dangers of prescription and non-prescription overdose and how seniors can prevent the risks. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Monsoon Safety Tips

With a few more months of monsoon season ahead, Fellowship Square offers monsoon safety tips for seniors. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Sun Safety Tips for Seniors in Honor of UV Awareness Month

Fellowship Square advises how to safely enjoy the sun this summer — while protecting the skin. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

National Senior Health and Fitness Day – Health and Fitness Tips for Older Adults

Wednesday, May 25 is National Senior Health and Fitness Day, the country’s largest older adult promotional event focused on health and wellness. Fellowship Square shares the following health and fitness tips in honor of this day. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Donor Information in Honor of Donate Life Month

In honor of National Donate Life Month, Fellowship Square shares more information about the decision to donate. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors

Tax Day is coming up! With Monday, April 18 being the day 2021 taxes need to be filed by, some seniors may be well into the process already. For those that are still wrapping them up, Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Finances

Smart Tips for a Healthy Kidney in Honor of National Kidney Month

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to maintain healthy kidneys in honor of National Kidney Month. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Easy tips for seniors to “eat clean” in honor of National Nutrition Month

Fellowship Square offers the following tips for seniors that want to eat clean and healthy in the name of National Nutrition Month. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Preparing for Lent — What to Give Up and How

Fellowship Square offers the following ways in which seniors can prepare for Lent and be successful in the days following. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Faith, Holidays

Heart Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of American Heart Month

February isn’t just about Valentine’s Day, it’s American Heart Month! In the spirit of self-love and care, Fellowship Square offers seniors heart-healthy tips. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Resolutions for the Long Run — How to Maintain New Year’s Resolutions Past January

In 2022, Fellowship Square encourages seniors to live their best lives and discover their best selves. With the help of some resolutions, and these tips on how to stick with them, this can be their best year yet! Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Ringing in 2022

Fellowship Square offers some tips for celebrating New Year’s Eve and making resolutions for 2022! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Giving Thanks — How Gratitude Can Help Create Happiness

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, a lot of emphasis is placed upon gratitude. While Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to show appreciation to others (and to oneself!), gratitude is a valuable asset to use all year round. And studies even show that having gratitude can help create happiness. Fellowship Square dives into this topic and offers advice to seniors on how to be more grateful, starting now! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

November is COPD Awareness Month

November is recognized as COPD Awareness Month. In honor of that recognition, Fellowship Square takes a closer look at what chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is and how seniors can protect themselves from this disease. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Keeping Seniors Safe from Falls

Falls Prevention Awareness Week, recognized from September 20 through 24 this year (with Falls Prevention Day occurring on Wednesday, September 22), is a campaign designed to help bring awareness to preventing falls. While many may think that falling is a natural part of aging, the National Council on Aging states falls can be prevented. Fellowship Square delves further into the topic of fall prevention. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Falls

Fellowship Square Recognizes World Alzheimer’s Month

September has been designated as World Alzheimer’s Month by Alzheimer’s Disease International, which launches an international campaign every year to help bring awareness to this disease. September 2021 is the 10th anniversary of this global awareness campaign. In honor of this Fellowship Square shares the following information about Alzheimer’s Disease. Read More
Categories: In The News, Memory Care
Tags: Health

Tips for Maintaining Eye Health with Aging

Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for maintaining eye health as they age. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Honoring Earth Day

Earth Day is recognized around the world for just one “official” day a year, but honoring Mother Earth through conservation practices is something seniors (and everyone!) can do every single day. Fellowship Square encourages seniors to consider how they can become more eco-conscious this Earth Day. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Stress Awareness Month — How Seniors Can Cope with Common Stressors

Fellowship Square reveals some important facts about seniors and stress and mechanisms to help them cope with them. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Honoring the Rise of Christ on Easter

On Easter Sunday, Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Fellowship Square offers safe tips to help seniors honor the rise of Christ this year. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Why What’s on the Plate is so Important to Everyday Health

In honor of National Nutrition Month, Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for nutritional eating in the name of health. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Tips for a Good Night’s Rest in Honor of National Sleep Awareness Week

Fellowship Square aims to help seniors “wake up” to the importance of the proper amount of sleep and how to promote quality sleep in the name of health with the following tips and advice. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Tips for Kidney Health in Honor of National Kidney Month

March is designated as National Kidney Month, a time to understand the risks of and ways to prevent kidney disease as well as raise awareness about it. In honor of this vital organ, Fellowship Square shares some tips for kidney health and kidney disease prevention. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

How to Prevent Vision Loss and Low Vision with Age in Honor of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month

February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month, a time dedicated to bringing awareness to the important health topic of eyesight health and educating people about how they can prevent age-related vision loss and low vision. Fellowship Square takes a peek into this topic and sheds some light on how seniors can care for their vision as they age. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Fun Ways to Celebrate Mardi Gras and Get Ready for Lent

Fellowship Square offers some safe and fun ways for seniors to recognize Fat Tuesday and prepare for Lent. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Ways for Seniors to Stay Heart Healthy!

This February, Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get heart-healthy! It’s never too late to care for one’s heart, body and mind. So, in honor of American Heart Health Month and preserving seniors’ quality of life, we have several tips for a healthy heart. Read on to learn more. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Humidify for Health?

It’s been a long and lonely road for many seniors since the onset of COVID-19 last year, and there have been many developments and theories about the best ways to combat the virus and protect one’s self from contracting it. Luckily now in Arizona the vaccine is available to all seniors 65 and older, and the process for administering the shots seems to be smoothing out. One of the theories that has been questioned is whether a humidifier can help prevent seniors from contracting COVID-19. Fellowship Square explores the current research as it related to if and how these machines can be of benefit. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Can Impact Seniors and Tips to Help Combat it

There is no doubt it has been a difficult year with the health concerns surrounding COVID-19 at the forefront of many seniors’ minds. And, unfortunately, as the year finally comes to a close, comes another “downer” — Seasonal Affective Disorder. Fellowship Square discusses this disorder, why this year may impact seniors worse than in previous years, and tips to help combat it. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Fall Fun for Seniors and their Families

Even though the valley’s daytime temperatures may not be indicative of the transition from summer, it’s time to celebrate the fall season! Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Falls Prevention Awareness Day (September 22) – Safety Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square shares tips for seniors to protect themselves against injury due to falling. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Falls

National Immunization Awareness Month

Fellowship Square offers the following vaccination tips in honor of NIAM. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Fellowship Square Advises Seniors to “Go Red” All Month Long

February has also been designated as American Heart Month, and February 2 is “National Go Red Day” in honor of women’s cardiovascular disease awareness. Read More
Categories: In The News
Fellowship Square

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