Honoring Veterans Day with Seniors

Categories: In The News

November 11 serves as a special day of recognition and remembrance for Americans across the country. For those who served, their families and loved ones, Veterans Day is important to recognize. Many seniors may still have both fond and troubling memories of their service days; however, loved ones and caregivers can help them honor Veteran’s Day with these tips.

 Veteran's Day

Visit a Memorial

If a senior has a special loved one that served in the military and has since passed, consider visiting their memorial.

Talk to a Vet

While serving in the military is a brave and selfless act, many veterans have very fond memories of their military days. Ask the senior in your life who has served to relive the “glory days” of their military past — whether it be the travel, the camaraderie or the satisfaction they felt for serving and protecting others.

Plant Flags

Around your neighborhood (ask first!), place flags around the edges of driveways or along the sidewalk to celebrate this special day.

Wear a Poppy

On special days of recognition for veterans and active duty personnel such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day, the American Legion Auxiliary distributes red crepe paper poppies. Wear a poppy to signify support for veterans and active duty military on this day.

Send Cards

For veterans that are far from family and friends, heartfelt and handmade cards can make their day. Or get together with the senior loved one and write cards to send to active military personnel overseas.

Offer Your Service

As military service men or women have offered their service in the past, in honor of veterans visit a VA facility or hospital, donate your time or deliver flowers, candy or a homemade meal to a special vet.

Go to a Parade

Many cities and towns have celebrations surrounding veterans. A parade, festival or picnic can be a fun way to honor Veterans Day with the whole family.

Receive a Discount

Take a special veteran out for a meal or an activity — at a discount! Many local restaurants and entertainment venues offer specials on Veterans Day and some even offer discounts every day.

Say a Special Prayer

For all those who served America in the military and all those that continue to do so, get together with the senior and attend a special sermon or simply sit together side by side or in a group and say some special prayers for these brave and honorable men and women that put their own lives on the line for the wellbeing of their country.


Regardless of how you choose to spend Veteran’s Day with your loved one, make sure they know how appreciative how you are for their service and their place in you life — not just on November 11, but every day.

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