Never too old for fitness—how to stay active after 60

Categories: General

Elderly man and woman on the beach

Getting fit and staying active is not only important for health reasons, it’s also a fun, a great way to spend time with friends and meet new people! After all, you’re never too old for fitness! Here are five tips for staying active after 60.

1. Check with a Doctor — If it’s been some time since you’ve done any regular physical activity, it’s important to talk with your doctor first. Someone who knows your medical history will be able to best advise you on which type of exercise is best suited for your current health condition.

2. Start Slow — There’s no need to push yourself too far outside of your comfort zone, especially when you’re first starting out with a new fitness program. Increase your activity level little by little to ensure safety.

3. Recruit a Fitness Buddy — Like all things in life, exercise is better with a buddy! Not only can a friend make the time pass more quickly, it can also turn fitness time into a social activity and will also serve as a way to keep you and your workout partner accountable. With a workout partner, you may also be more apt to try to new exercise trends!

4. Fuel the Body — Eating right and exercise go hand in hand. Prior to exercising, have a little something to eat such as a banana with peanut or almond butter. After a workout, it’s also a good idea to refuel with proper nutrition, such as healthy carbs and proteins. Doing so helps restore the body’s glycogen loss, decreases the breakdown of muscle protein and enhances overall recovery.

5. Take Time to Rest — Whether you’re just starting a workout program or are increasing your fitness level, it’s important to allow the body to recover after exercise. This not only includes getting ample rest, but also taking a day off between workouts to allow the body recoup.

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