Motivational Fitness Tips for Seniors

Categories: General

In honor of National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 25, Fellowship Square is sharing some motivational tips on how to help the beloved seniors in your life get in shape and stay active in their golden years. Check out our “Top 5” Ways to Motivate Seniors:

Elderly women exercising

1. Approach the Topic Carefully

When discussing health, weight or nutrition with your loved one, tread carefully. Be supportive and approach the topic from a position of love and care. Keep the conversation light and casual, asking questions about the type of activity your loved one currently participates in or what they might like to try, and then carefully suggesting some ways to get active.


2. Get the Doctor’s OK

Before setting your loved one on a new fitness path, join them for a visit to their doctor to ensure they are not only healthy enough for regular exercise, but also for some suggestions on what specific exercises and activity would most benefit them. Remember, every body is different; your loved one’s doctor knows his or her limitations and health condition best and will be able to “prescribe” the perfect fitness plan just for them.


3. Make it Fun

Find out what your loved one really likes to do, and make that a regular activity you can do together. Whether it’s tennis, hiking, biking or swimming — any activity is more fun with a friend or family member! Fellowship Square also offers a number of community activities for residents to make getting fit a social affair, not a chore. Group exercises include water aerobics, yoga and more. The SeniorFITness program is designed to enhance quality of life for residents by increasing performance of daily living activities and independence. 


4. Share the Benefits

Seniors, especially those suffering with chronic pain, fatigue or other symptoms, may not feel “up” to the task of regular exercise. However, informing your loved one that activity, even a short, brisk walk every day, has numerous benefits that include easing the symptoms of chronic pain, fatigue, depression and more. Remind them how much better they’ll feel after engaging in some activity, and let them know getting involved in activity can also help them meet their neighbors and new friends!


5. Keep The Encouragement Coming

When your loved one has a down day, or really doesn’t feel like getting up and active, don’t force it — everyone needs a break every now and then. Remind them how well they’ve been doing, and compliment them for trying a new activity, staying consistent with regular exercise, or focusing on their nutrition. Encouragement never gets old, and we all could use a little more of it! 

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