5 Signs of Memory Loss You May Not Easily Recognize

Categories: General, Memory Care

While most people associate Alzheimer’s disease with memory loss, there is more to the disease. Early detection is important, and it’s not always just memory loss that indicates a path toward Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases. These five signs of memory loss are not usually recognized as “red flags” — yet they should be.

 Elderly man using technology

1. Resisting Change

When a loved one starts to experience subtle memory loss, they can easily forget people, why they are doing something, or where they are quite quickly so they begin to crave routine, finding comfort in knowing what they can expect in a familiar situation. If a loved one starts to resist, or even fear, things they used to like such as traveling or experiencing new things, this could be a warning signal of memory loss.


2. Difficulty Problem Solving

Another sign of early memory loss occurs when a person begins having trouble with everyday tasks or ones that they used to breeze right through at home or at work. This could be something as simple as forgetting the rules to a favorite game, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, or something more complicated such as forgetting how to balance the budget.


3. Confusion

Often memory loss is associated with confusion — the loved one experiencing this could forget dates, the time, or even have trouble remembering the right words to use when having a conversation. They also may begin to interact with people differently as the confusion plays out in their mind.


4. Apathy

Losing interest in a favorite sport or hobby, no longer wanting to go out and do things, and withdrawing from social situations they once enjoyed could also be a sign of early memory loss. The person may also seem emotionally distant or listless.


5. Repetition

Have a feeling you’ve heard this story before? When repetition of information or stories starts taking place regularly, this could mean memory loss is occurring.


When approaching an elderly person experiencing these symptoms and suggesting they see their physician, use compassion and love. Being supportive and not taking anything personally will help keep the disease in perspective.

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