Fellowship Square Blog: Honoring the Elderly on National Senior Citizens Day

Categories: In The News

With the onset of August (how is it August already?!) comes the unofficial goodbye to summer, back to school time, and the celebration of National Senior Citizens Day on August 21st.

Elderly woman and daughter

In 1988, then President Ronald Regan signed a proclamation designating August 21 as National Senior Citizens Day, and called “upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.” In his proclamation, Regan stated, “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older -- places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.”

Fellowship Square has created just the type of community that Regan spoke of, honoring the important lives of seniors every day. They encourage loved ones and friends to reach out to the special senior citizens in their lives on this day, offering five fun and special ways to recognize a senior citizen on August 21 – or any day!

  1. Spend Time with Them — For many seniors, the days may be long and sometimes lonely. A short visit with a loved one or family member can truly make their day. Stop by your favorite senior’s home and watch their whole face light up — a feel good win for everyone involved!
  2. Volunteer — Whether at a senior residence community or your own grandmother’s house, sign up to help out with daily chores, driving a senior to an appointment or another task in which they need aid or even just a hand to hold.
  3. Share a Prayer — For many seniors, spiritual faith plays an important role in their daily lives. Offer to sit with them in prayer, read gospel or attend a mass or religious service with them or in their honor.
  4. Pass Along a Memory — Photographs are windows into the past, offering seniors an opportunity to see their loved ones daily — even if they live far away. Sending a care package with framed photos of family for your favorite senior citizen to put up in their home or a photo album filled with years of special moments is a great way to preserve memories and instill a connection the next time you see them.
  5. Give Them the VIP Treatment — Take Grandma to the spa or Grandpa for a round of golf on his favorite course. Taking the time to spend with them on this special day while doing something that they really love to do will help them understand how in-tuned you are to their needs and feelings.

Regardless of how you decide to spend National Senior Citizens Day with your loved ones, be sure to tell them how much you care. The simple power of a hug or “I love you” should never be underestimated.

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