Fellowship Square Recognizes Arthritis Awareness Month

Categories: General, In The News

May marks Arthritis Awareness Month, as it is one of the most widespread health conditions in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In honor of this month, Fellowship Square looks at remedies, treatments, and methods to soothe pain and stiffness and more.

Though its commonly believed that arthritis sets on with age, arthritis actually affects adults, seniors and children alike, and one in four adults in affected by the condition – which equates to 54 million men and women. With arthritis come stiff joints, pain and difficulty moving. However, there are some simple strategies that arthritis suffers can try to seek relief from this condition.

Luckily, walking is one of the best ways to combat the pain and limitations of arthritis. According to the CDC just 150 minutes of brisk walking per week (30 minutes, 5 days a week) meets the aerobic activity recommendations in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Getting the proper intake of magnesium can help soothe the pain of arthritis because it relaxes muscles and nerve endings, which results in the relief of stiffness and pain. Magnesium-rich foods include figs, avocados, almonds, spinach, dark chocolate (yay!), yogurt and bananas. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help ease the symptoms of arthritis, as can fish oil supplements. 

An Epsom salt soak in a warm bath is another natural remedy to sooth inflammation of the joints, as well as a heating pad or electric blanket to loosen the joints. Alternately, cold treatments such as applying a gel ice pack or even a bag of frozen peas folded in a towel and applied to the pained area can offer fast relief.

A massage or acupuncture therapy can also provide relief for arthritis sufferers, as can meditation. In fact studies by the National Institutes of Health find that “the practice of mindfulness mediation is helpful for some people with painful joints.” Studies show that stress reduction can also reduce inflammation and pain.

For those seeking natural remedies for arthritis, it’s important to check with one’s doctor prior to starting a regime for relief. Fellowship Square encourages arthritis suffers to find relief in natural ways or to seek the proper prescribed treatment from their doctor.

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