Fellowship Square Celebrates Global Wellness Day

Categories: General, In The News

As Global Wellness Day rapidly approaches this Saturday, June 9, Fellowship Square brings awareness for overall wellness. With the following easy tips, seniors can enjoy their golden years in their best health and mindset possible by setting lifestyle goals and achieving them. 

To date, Global Wellness Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries at 5,000 locations. Originally celebrated in 2012 in Turkey, Global Wellness Day was established as the “first” day dedicated to living well. This belief has spread worldwide with the main focus points of the day dedicated to “recognize the value of our lives; to pause and think, even if for just one day of the year; to be free from the stress of everyday city life and bad habits; to make peace with ourselves; and to raise awareness about living well and increase motivation, not just for today, but for the remaining 364 days of the year,” according to the Global Wellness Day website. 

For those wishing to use Global Wellness Day as their “Day 1” towards making changes for a healthier lifestyle, Fellowship Square offers the following tips:

Make a List — Jotting down the changes one would like to make can help define not only the issues but also allow for solutions and actions towards progression.

One Step at a Time — Small purposeful changes are easier to make than big cold-turkey ones. Finding small milestones along the way to a big accomplishment can help pave the road to success.

Enlist a Buddy — Whether starting a new fitness routine, giving up smoking or vowing to cook healthier foods, having a “partner in crime” can help keep one another accountable. Plus, it’s fun to be challenged and motivated by a friend.

Forgive One’s Self — With one of the aspects of Global Wellness Days being dedicated to “make peace with ourselves,” Fellowship Square invites residents and seniors to allow the same forgiveness of themselves that they would bestow upon a friend or loved one. Everyone makes mistakes, and while some are bigger than others, the Lord is always willing to forgive so seniors should be able to forgive themselves, too.

Reward Progress — Making a lifestyle change is hard at any age, but old habits die hard. For those that are attempting to break a long-time bad habit, they should recognize that the road may not be easy, but it will be worth it. Expect small setbacks, but don’t let them become the reason to quit. It’s important for those wanting to make a change to remember why they want to do so.

Regardless of the change seniors may want to make in their lives, Global Wellness Day is a great time to start the path to a better, more positive life. The staff and team at Fellowship Square are there to support and cheer on residents that are challenging themselves to positive lifestyle changes — on Global Wellness Day, and every day! 

Fellowship Square

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