Let’s Hear it for the Boys: Health Tips for Senior Males

Categories: General

The third week in June is recognized as Men’s Health Week. However, just one week of health awareness won’t make much of a difference — maintaining one’s health requires daily attention especially as people age. Fellowship Square believes that the health of senior males should be monitored all year round to help with early detection of male-prone health concerns. With that, Fellowship Square offers the following tips to ensure men’s health well into the Golden Years.

Get Checked — Regular check-ups with general care doctors are important for early detection of male-centric diseases such as prostate cancer and colon cancer. If doctors find concern and recommend a screening as early as possible, this is all the better for the treatment and follow up to come. 

Check Yourself — Doctors can also advise on how to give men their own routine checks for testicular abnormalities that could be a red flag for something serious. This can take a few minutes daily before a shower, but can be a lifesaver over time.

Eat Right — Heart disease is the number one killer in men, and heart attacks follow closely behind. It’s important for men over the age of 50 to maintain proper nutrition to keep their risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and even some types of cancer at bay. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts is great for overall health as well as weight management. 

Stay Active — The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of activity per week. This can include brisk walking, tennis, as well as one or two days of strength training per week. 

Avoid Stress — Stress can wreak havoc on the body (not to mention the mind), so it’s a good idea to avoid stressful situations. As people age, situations that they once maneuvered with ease can not become a source of confusion or frustration, so if a caretaker or loved one can help take over some of these responsibilities (whether its grocery shopping or managing the finances), this is a great way for elderly to avoid stress.

Stay Social — Friends are the cherries on the sundae of life! Call an old friend, meet a new neighbor or say hello to someone at the gym. Walking through life with others is the best way to enjoy quality senior living.  

Fellowship Square encourages their male — and female — residents to stay healthy so they can really make the most of their golden years. For more tips and inspiration, visit the blog at www.fellowshipsquareseniorliving.org.


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