Stress Less Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get into the spirit of the season! The holidays can be such a fun and joyous time — embrace it! And don’t let stress get in the way of celebrating the real reasons for the seasons. Read More
Categories: General

Inspiration in Nature

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get outside in this beautiful fall weather and be inspired by nature. Read More
Categories: General

The Importance of Lung Health

October is Healthy Lung Month, an observance period designated to help raise awareness for lung health and educate the public about the importance of taking care of their lungs to prevent the negative effects of bronchitis, mold, air pollution, smoking, and even general neglect. Fellowship Square offers some healthy lung tips for seniors. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Step Up for Bone Health in Honor of World Osteoporosis Day

October 20 has been designated as World Osteoporosis Day, a time to bring awareness to osteoporosis and help people find out if they are at risk. Fellowship Square delves into the topic of osteoporosis, risk factors, and how to manage it. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of World Mental Health Day

Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors and their caregivers on how to prioritize mental health and well-being. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Tips for Healthy Aging Month

In honor of Healthy Aging Month, Fellowship Square offers tips for people of all ages who want to live their lives to the fullest at any age, but especially into their senior years. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Aging, Health

Celebrating Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day is honored annually on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Beyond celebrating grandparents, Fellowship Square takes a look at the history of this holiday and how families can honor it this year. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Family

Technology Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square dives into the topic of technology for seniors. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Technology

Grief Management Tips

Fellowship Square offers tips to help seniors manage and work through their grief. Read More
Categories: General

Medication Overdose Awareness

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day. Fellowship Square takes a look at the dangers of prescription and non-prescription overdose and how seniors can prevent the risks. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Benefits of Volunteering

Fellowship Square encourages seniors that are looking for a positive way to spend their extra time to look into volunteering. Read More
Categories: General

Fire Safety Tips for Seniors

Fire safety is a year-round concern. However, with monsoons casting wicked lightening (often without rain), seniors may be worried that a fire could start. Regardless of weather or other cause, Fellowship Square offers the following fire safety tips for seniors: Read More
Categories: General

Monsoon Safety Tips

With a few more months of monsoon season ahead, Fellowship Square offers monsoon safety tips for seniors. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

A Super-Ager’s Guide to Maintaining Health

Fellowship Square delves into why keeping up with these appointments is so important — and other “super ager” tips. Read More
Categories: General

Sun Safety Tips for Seniors in Honor of UV Awareness Month

Fellowship Square advises how to safely enjoy the sun this summer — while protecting the skin. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Paying it Forward — How Doing Good for Others is a Win-Win

Research even shows that paying it forward and acts of kindness are good for one’s health! Paying it forward can help relieve stress, improve quality of life, contribute to one’s happiness, help develop connection with others and build strong relationships and more. So why not get into the spirit of goodwill towards others starting with a small gesture today? Read More
Categories: General

Vacationing “at Home”

Fellowship Square offers some fun ideas for “stay-cationing” and saving some money this season. Read More
Categories: General

Prayer 101 — Connecting with the Lord

Fellowship Square offers simple ways that seniors can connect with the Lord, starting with prayer. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Home Safety Tips for Seniors Who Live Alone

Fellowship Square offers home safety tips for seniors that live alone. Read More
Categories: General

Dive in — water exercises to keep seniors cool and fit all summer long

Fellowship Square offers tips for staying cool and fit this summer — in the pool! Read More
Categories: General

Becoming a Grandparent

Fellowship Square offers tips for new grandparents on how to make the most of this experience, without overstepping boundaries of the new parents. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Family

Keeping the Drive Alive — driving tips for seniors as they age

Fellowship Square shares some expert-guided tips on how seniors can help maintain their ability to drive and offers some safety tips, too. Read More
Categories: General

National Senior Health and Fitness Day – Health and Fitness Tips for Older Adults

Wednesday, May 25 is National Senior Health and Fitness Day, the country’s largest older adult promotional event focused on health and wellness. Fellowship Square shares the following health and fitness tips in honor of this day. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Preparing Seniors for Surgery: Tips for family members, caregivers, and seniors

Fellowship Square offers some tips on how seniors as well as their family members and caregivers can prepare for surgery. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

How to Become a “Super Ager”

Fellowship Square takes a look at the phenomenon of the “super ager” — and tips on how to become one. Read More

Donor Information in Honor of Donate Life Month

In honor of National Donate Life Month, Fellowship Square shares more information about the decision to donate. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Celebrating Easter with Seniors

Fellowship Square shares easy and fun ways to celebrate the Easter holiday with seniors. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Holidays

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors

Tax Day is coming up! With Monday, April 18 being the day 2021 taxes need to be filed by, some seniors may be well into the process already. For those that are still wrapping them up, Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Finances

How to Improve Cognitive Health

Overall, cognitive health is important at every age and particularly as people age. Fellowship Square dives into what cognitive health is and how seniors can improve theirs as they age. Read More
Categories: General

Smart Tips for a Healthy Kidney in Honor of National Kidney Month

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to maintain healthy kidneys in honor of National Kidney Month. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Easy tips for seniors to “eat clean” in honor of National Nutrition Month

Fellowship Square offers the following tips for seniors that want to eat clean and healthy in the name of National Nutrition Month. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Preparing for Lent — What to Give Up and How

Fellowship Square offers the following ways in which seniors can prepare for Lent and be successful in the days following. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Faith, Holidays

Moving Tips for Seniors Who are Downsizing, Moving into Assisted Living

Moving itself can also come with some challenges so Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors as they move and downsize. Read More
Categories: General

Boosting Brain Function and Memory with Foods and Activities

Fellowship Square delves into the healthy habits that can maintain a healthy (and happy!) brain. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Heart Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of American Heart Month

February isn’t just about Valentine’s Day, it’s American Heart Month! In the spirit of self-love and care, Fellowship Square offers seniors heart-healthy tips. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Glaucoma Awareness and Prevention

Glaucoma is something that seniors should be aware of as they age. Fellowship Square takes a deeper look at this condition, its symptoms, and how it can be prevented or delayed. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Let’s Get Physical — When Seniors Should See their General Physician

Fellowship Square offers some advice on how often seniors should see their doctor and some topics to discuss during their routine physical. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Go Clutter-Free this January

Fellowship Square offers tips for clearing out the clutter this year. Read More
Categories: General

Resolutions for the Long Run — How to Maintain New Year’s Resolutions Past January

In 2022, Fellowship Square encourages seniors to live their best lives and discover their best selves. With the help of some resolutions, and these tips on how to stick with them, this can be their best year yet! Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Ringing in 2022

Fellowship Square offers some tips for celebrating New Year’s Eve and making resolutions for 2022! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

When the Holidays aren’t so Jolly

Fellowship Square shares some tips to help seniors get through the holidays and for caregivers and loved ones to help make the holidays a little brighter for seniors who are struggling. Read More
Categories: General

Four Budget Friendly Ways to Celebrate the Season

Fellowship Square offers four inexpensive (or free!) and fun ways to celebrate the holidays this season. Read More
Categories: General

Move for Comfort: Exercise to reduce joint pain and increase mobility

Fellowship Square shares some exercise tips for seniors looking to move more in the name of comfort and mobility. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health, Fitness

Health History: Why it’s Important to Know and Share Health History with Future Generations

As seniors age, there is a lot to consider regarding what they might pass down to their loved ones, family members, and future generations. Yes, this can include priceless family heirlooms and trust funds, but it should also include health history. Fellowship Square shares why it’s so important for seniors to have record of, and share, their personal health history. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health, Family

Giving Thanks — How Gratitude Can Help Create Happiness

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, a lot of emphasis is placed upon gratitude. While Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to show appreciation to others (and to oneself!), gratitude is a valuable asset to use all year round. And studies even show that having gratitude can help create happiness. Fellowship Square dives into this topic and offers advice to seniors on how to be more grateful, starting now! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Medication Management: Easy tips for helping seniors remember to take their medications

Fellowship Square offers three simple tips to help seniors and their caregivers with medication management. Read More
Categories: General

November is COPD Awareness Month

November is recognized as COPD Awareness Month. In honor of that recognition, Fellowship Square takes a closer look at what chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is and how seniors can protect themselves from this disease. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Look to the Lord

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to turn to the Lord in times of illness, sadness, and loneliness to help them find comfort and solace. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Spooktacular Fun – Tips to seniors can get into the holiday “spirit”

Fellowship Square suggests some fun tips to get seniors in a “Spooktacular” mood this month. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Holidays

Fall Fitness: Tips for Keeping Active as the Busy Holiday Season Rolls Around

Fellowship Square suggests some fall fitness tips to help seniors keep active as the hustle-bustle of the holidays approaches. Read More
Categories: General

Spotlight on the Importance of Mental Health for Seniors

Mental health is a topic that requires increased attention in today’s world. Unfortunately, seniors are not exempt from mental illness. Fellowship Square takes an in-depth look at how seniors, and their caregivers, can advocate for their mental health, which the National Institute of Mental Health defines as “emotional, psychological, and social well-being.” Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Fall Fun for Seniors

It’s officially autumn! And while the weather may not seem like it yet, fall activities abound and pumpkin spice is… well, everywhere! So it’s time to celebrate the season! Fellowship Square offers its residents and seniors fun ideas for the fall season. Read More
Categories: General

Keeping Seniors Safe from Falls

Falls Prevention Awareness Week, recognized from September 20 through 24 this year (with Falls Prevention Day occurring on Wednesday, September 22), is a campaign designed to help bring awareness to preventing falls. While many may think that falling is a natural part of aging, the National Council on Aging states falls can be prevented. Fellowship Square delves further into the topic of fall prevention. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Falls

Fellowship Square Recognizes World Alzheimer’s Month

September has been designated as World Alzheimer’s Month by Alzheimer’s Disease International, which launches an international campaign every year to help bring awareness to this disease. September 2021 is the 10th anniversary of this global awareness campaign. In honor of this Fellowship Square shares the following information about Alzheimer’s Disease. Read More
Categories: In The News, Memory Care
Tags: Health

Tips for Aging Healthfully in Honor of Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month! In recognition of that designation, Fellowship Square offers seniors the following tips to help them stay healthy and happy as they enjoy their golden years. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Connecting with Grandkids – How Seniors Can Strengthen These Bonds

Fellowship Square offers seniors some easy ways to connect with their grandchildren. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Family

How to Read the Bible

Fellowship Square encourages seniors in retirement who might find themselves with more time on their hands than before to explore the Good Book. Here are a few tips to get started — just think of it as a “Reading the Bible 101.” Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Grillin’ and Chillin’ - Easy Summer BBQ Ideas

Fellowship Square offers easy summer BBQ ideas for seniors. Read More
Categories: General

Should Seniors Get Shots?

August is deemed National Immunization Awareness Month to raise awareness for the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. In recognition of this time of awareness, Fellowship Square delves into the important topic of vaccinations for seniors. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

New Hobbies to Try that Won’t Break the Bank

Fellowship Square encourages its residents and all seniors to take advantage of their Golden Years with a new hobby that stimulates and engages their minds, bodies, and souls. Read More
Categories: General

Tips for Maintaining Eye Health with Aging

Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for maintaining eye health as they age. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Take a Vacation Without Leaving Town

Fellowship Square offers the following ideas for seniors to enjoy a “getaway” without leaving town. Read More
Categories: General

Sun Safety Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square offers seniors the following sun safety tips. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health, Seasons

Motivational and Inspiring Bible Verses to Help Seniors Through Hard Times

Through prayer, attending mass, or reading scripture, seniors may find the strength and inspiration they need to get through long or lonely days. Fellowship Square offers the following scripture to help seniors find comfort. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Father’s Day Celebrations for Senior Dads

Fellowship Square offers some fun and simple ways to recognize Dad this Father’s Day. Read More
Categories: General

Volunteerism and Charity — How to Get Involved, The Benefits of Giving Back

Fellowship Square offers the following tips for seniors looking for volunteer opportunities and shares some incredible benefits of community give back. Read More
Categories: General

Water Works — Benefits of Swimming and Water Exercises For Seniors

Now that the weather is really heating up, it’s time to cool down! Despite the rising temperatures, seniors can get a great workout — without “overheating” — by doing some water fitness! The swimming pool is a refreshing place to turn up the dial on physical fitness. Fellowship Square shares some of the benefits of swimming for seniors and tips on getting started with a water workout. Read More
Categories: General

Safe Ideas for a Fun Three-day Weekend in Honor of Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend serves as the unofficial kick-off to summer! Temperatures around the valley already feeling like summertime plus the fact that many seniors have been restricting their travel since COVID-19 add up to the perfect recipe for a fun three-day weekend itinerary in honor of Memorial Day. With that in mind, Fellowship Square offers some ways that seniors can enjoy a leisurely three-day weekend. Read More
Categories: General

Lighten Up – Three easy Spring and Summer meal ideas

Fellowship Square offers seniors easy seasonal meal time ideas. Read More
Categories: General

Should Seniors Have a Pet?

Fellowship Square offers some benefits pet ownership provides for seniors and shares some important things to consider so having a pet doesn’t become a burden. Read More
Categories: General

Honoring Earth Day

Earth Day is recognized around the world for just one “official” day a year, but honoring Mother Earth through conservation practices is something seniors (and everyone!) can do every single day. Fellowship Square encourages seniors to consider how they can become more eco-conscious this Earth Day. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Stress Awareness Month — How Seniors Can Cope with Common Stressors

Fellowship Square reveals some important facts about seniors and stress and mechanisms to help them cope with them. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Honoring the Rise of Christ on Easter

On Easter Sunday, Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Fellowship Square offers safe tips to help seniors honor the rise of Christ this year. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Fun Ways for Seniors to Enjoy the Spring Season

Fellowship Square encourages residents and seniors to take advantage of the spring season and have a little fun. Need some inspiration? Here are a few ideas… Read More
Tags: Seasons

Why What’s on the Plate is so Important to Everyday Health

In honor of National Nutrition Month, Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for nutritional eating in the name of health. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Tips for a Good Night’s Rest in Honor of National Sleep Awareness Week

Fellowship Square aims to help seniors “wake up” to the importance of the proper amount of sleep and how to promote quality sleep in the name of health with the following tips and advice. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Tips for Kidney Health in Honor of National Kidney Month

March is designated as National Kidney Month, a time to understand the risks of and ways to prevent kidney disease as well as raise awareness about it. In honor of this vital organ, Fellowship Square shares some tips for kidney health and kidney disease prevention. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

How to Prevent Vision Loss and Low Vision with Age in Honor of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month

February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month, a time dedicated to bringing awareness to the important health topic of eyesight health and educating people about how they can prevent age-related vision loss and low vision. Fellowship Square takes a peek into this topic and sheds some light on how seniors can care for their vision as they age. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Fun Ways to Celebrate Mardi Gras and Get Ready for Lent

Fellowship Square offers some safe and fun ways for seniors to recognize Fat Tuesday and prepare for Lent. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Ways for Seniors to Stay Heart Healthy!

This February, Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get heart-healthy! It’s never too late to care for one’s heart, body and mind. So, in honor of American Heart Health Month and preserving seniors’ quality of life, we have several tips for a healthy heart. Read on to learn more. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Humidify for Health?

It’s been a long and lonely road for many seniors since the onset of COVID-19 last year, and there have been many developments and theories about the best ways to combat the virus and protect one’s self from contracting it. Luckily now in Arizona the vaccine is available to all seniors 65 and older, and the process for administering the shots seems to be smoothing out. One of the theories that has been questioned is whether a humidifier can help prevent seniors from contracting COVID-19. Fellowship Square explores the current research as it related to if and how these machines can be of benefit. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Why Resolutions are Important (and When They Can be Too Much)

Though it's already mid-January, some people are still making resolutions or deciding if they even want to! And why not? There is no science that supports a resolutions has to be made and begun on January 1 to see specific results. Any day is a good day to make a change if someone really wants to make a change! But regardless of the day they are begun, resolutions can be a great way to get and stay motivated toward making a change. With that in mind, Fellowship Square delves into why resolutions are important… and when they can become overwhelming. Read More
Categories: General

Tips for Clearing Out the Clutter in the New Year

Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for decluttering their living spaces this year. Read More

Ready for the New Year? Tips for Making Resolutions for 2021

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get excited about the New Year with some easy resolution-making tips for 2021. Read More
Categories: General

Stress Less Tips for the Christmas Season

The holidays seem to be approaching more quickly than ever before! With just a few more days before Christmas and just weeks away from the New Year, Fellowship Square offers seniors stress-free tips to get through the season — and the end of the year. Read More
Categories: General

Have a Blessed Christmas

We have all experienced a great deal of change and uncertainty this year. Staying physically distant and trying to adjust to a ‘new normal’ has proven challenging. However, as 2020 comes to a close, Read More

Holiday Fun for Seniors

Fellowship Square offers the following tips to help seniors feel holly jolly this Christmas. Read More
Categories: General

Connecting with the Lord During the Holidays

Fellowship Square reminds seniors that the Lord is always by their side and encourages them to connect with Him during the holidays when seeking comfort and joy. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Seasons, Faith

How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Can Impact Seniors and Tips to Help Combat it

There is no doubt it has been a difficult year with the health concerns surrounding COVID-19 at the forefront of many seniors’ minds. And, unfortunately, as the year finally comes to a close, comes another “downer” — Seasonal Affective Disorder. Fellowship Square discusses this disorder, why this year may impact seniors worse than in previous years, and tips to help combat it. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Awareness and Education for American Diabetes Month

Fellowship Square shares some important information for seniors in regards to diabetes. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Pumpkin Recipes: Easy Snacks and Recipe Ideas to Enjoy this Fall

For seniors that enjoy cooking and baking with pumpkin, Fellowship Square offers the following ideas featuring all things pumpkin! Read More
Categories: General

Prayer 101: How to Strengthen One’s Connection to God

Fellowship Square offers simple tips for using prayer to reconnect with the Lord. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors: Physical and Mental Wellness at Any Age

Yoga has its roots in ancient traditions, but its popularity endures today, especially as a low-impact exercise suitable for older adults. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Fitness, Health

Fall Fun for Seniors and their Families

Even though the valley’s daytime temperatures may not be indicative of the transition from summer, it’s time to celebrate the fall season! Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Fellowship Square Celebrates World Heart Day with Healthy Heart Tips

Fellowship Square shares more from the WHF about CVD and some heart healthy tips too. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Falls Prevention Awareness Day (September 22) – Safety Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square shares tips for seniors to protect themselves against injury due to falling. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Falls

The Power of Love: How senior couples can bond during retirement, moving, or through illness

For couples that are hoping to reconnect and rekindle their love through retirement, moving, illness or other situations, Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

How to Maintain Health at Any Age in Honor of Healthy Aging Month

In honor of Healthy Aging Month, the Fellowship Square staff offers their own tips for healthy living at any age! Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Health

Reconnecting with Family: Tips for reaching out to estranged family members

Fellowship Square offers tips to help seniors reconnect with estranged loved ones. Read More
Categories: General

Money Management Tips for Retirees

Fellowship Square offers seniors five easy money management tips to help them budget their funds — while still having fun throughout their retirement. Read More
Tags: Finances

Maintaining Medication – Easy ways to help seniors manage their prescriptions

Fellowship Square offers the following tips for managing medications. Read More
Categories: Independent Living

National Immunization Awareness Month

Fellowship Square offers the following vaccination tips in honor of NIAM. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health

Virtual Ways to Connect with Seniors

Fellowship Square suggests some easy ways to virtually connect with their beloved seniors. Read More

Water Fitness — How to get a good workout in the Swimming Pool

For those that don’t think getting a good workout can be done in the water, Fellowship Square invites them to “dive in” to these water fitness facts and tips. Read More
Categories: Independent Living

Light and Easy Meal Ideas for Summer

Fellowship Square has a few quick ideas to help seniors lighten up their meals this season. Read More
Categories: Independent Living

Tips for Going on ‘Vacation’ Without Leaving Home

Fellowship Square offers some fun ways seniors can get some vacation vibes. Read More

Sun Safety Tips for UV Safety Month

July has been designated as Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month, and while most people (especially in the Valley of the Sun) are already well aware of the dangers of overexposure to the sun, one can never be too careful! Fellowship Square offers seniors tips to help them stay safe from the sun as the summer heat intensifies. Read More

Tips for Hosting a Family Picnic this Summer

Fellowship Square offers some easy and fun tips for planning a picnic for the whole family this summer. Read More

Fun Outdoor Fitness Ideas

Fellowship Square offers some fun outdoor fitness ideas for summertime. Read More

5 Unique Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday, June 21. This day offers an excellent opportunity to reconnect with Dad, share memories and find ways to show him how much he means to you. Read More

Fellowship Square Celebrates National Senior Health and Fitness Day with Get Fit and Healthy Tips

This May 27 marks the 27th annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day. Designated as the last Wednesday in May, this day has become the largest health and wellness event for older adults. While many public events that typically would have been held in celebration of National Senior Health and Fitness Day have been cancelled due to COVID-19, it is still a great time to recognize the importance of health and fitness. Fellowship Square offers seniors some easy ways to kick off their own health and fitness routine. Read More

Arthritis 101: Pain Management Tips and More

In honor of Arthritis Awareness, Fellowship Square shares some “arthritis 101” and tips for managing pain as a result of arthritis. Read More

Health Tips in Honor of National Women’s Health Week

Every year kicking off after Mother’s Day, National Women’s Week is observed, according to the CDC to serve as a “reminder to omen to take care of themselves, and to make their health a priority.” In honor of National Women’s Health Week, Fellowship Square offers some tips for women to maintain and improve their overall health — at any age. Read More

Tips for Starting a Fitness Routine

It’s never too late to start a healthy new habit like exercise. Getting active is essential for body, mind and soul, fitness is a great hobby and it’s also a great way to be social! Fellowship Square offers seniors tips for starting a fitness routine. Read More

Tips for Senior Immunizations for World Immunization Week

World Immunization Week is celebrated throughout the last week of April, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is intended “to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.” In a time when many people are hoping and praying that a vaccine will help cure and end COVID-19, it’s also important for seniors to remember and stay up to date on other immunizations that could be lifesaving. Read More

Ways to Honor and Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22, the world celebrates Mother Earth with her very own day. While many group activities typically held in her honor may not be taking place this year, there are still many ways seniors can celebrate Earth Day without even leaving the house! Fellowship Square offers the following ways to honor Earth Day this year. Read More

He is Risen

We are experiencing an unprecedented event, but let’s remember that God is still with us and He is still in control. Read More
Categories: General

Connecting with Family and Loved Ones Long Distance

Between sheltering-in-place suggestions to slow the spread of COVID-19 and living far away from loved ones, friends, and family members, long-distance and social distancing have become the “new normal.” The good news is that technology is thriving, and there are many ways to connect with others through video calls and more. Fellowship Square shares some user-friendly ways to touch base with family and loved ones across the miles and during social distancing. Read More

Finding Strength in Prayer

Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors to help them find strength through prayer. Read More

Outdoor Spring Hobbies and Activities for Seniors

With Arizona’s Spring weather is full bloom, it’s time to get out and enjoy the beautiful fresh air. For those seniors that love to spend time outside, there are a multitude of outdoor hobbies and activities to enjoy. Fellowship Square shares the following spring hobby ideas to help seniors enjoy the great outdoors. Read More

Benefits of Pet Therapy

Many types of therapy can improve the health and well-being of seniors. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to various methods. From art therapy to pet therapy, some people may respond better to specific therapies than others. Pet therapy has been used to help seniors who may be lonely and need a companion, but the benefits of pet therapy go beyond that! Read more... Read More

Continued Education in the Golden Years

Fellowship Square and its staff supports learning at any age and understands the importance of ongoing education as a form of therapy and growth for residents of the senior living communities. In fact, Fellowship Square’s Historic Mesa facility now offers residents the Fellowship University program encompassing four five-week classes — completely free of charge. Each course is taught by professionals in their fields and encourages residents to thrive and continue their love of learning, with a certification of completion given to each “student” at the end of the class. Read More

Heart Healthy Tips for Seniors

American Heart Month continues this February, serving as a time to raise awareness about heart health in hopes of preventing heart disease. However, heart health is important all year round — not just for one month! Fellowship Square delves deeper into tips for maintaining a healthy heart. Read More

Safety Tips for Active Seniors

The Golden Years are all about relaxation and enjoyment! Many seniors finally have the time to travel, adventure and explore their lives in another way after retirement. However, even for active seniors that are young at heart (and mind, body, and soul!), it’s important to keep safety in mind at all times. Fellowship Square shares the following safety tips: Read More

Three-Day Weekend Fun with Seniors for President’s Day

A three-day weekend is a great opportunity for friends and family members to get together with their beloved seniors. With many schools and businesses closed Monday in honor of President’s Day, it’s a great time to plan a fun weekend or even a quick trip with a multi-generational family or a group of friends. Fellowship Square shares some fun three-day weekend ideas. Read More

Tips for Making Valentine's Day Sweet for Seniors

Out with January and in with February! The year is flying by and it will be Valentine’s Day in just a matter of weeks. With a day dedicated to love on the horizon, Fellowship Square offers the following “sweet” ideas for making Valentine’s Day extra special for beloved seniors this year. Read More

Tips for Seniors Moving into a New Living Community

When seniors get to a point in their lives that they chose to downsize or move into a senior living community for convenience, amenities and or health monitoring and services, relocating can bring up a number of emotions — good and some not so good. Fellowship Square understands that this can be a large and complex step, but encourages seniors moving into a new situation (especially here!) to make themselves at home… with a few of the following tips. Read More

Reasons and Ways to Connect with the Lord in the New Year

Fellowship Square offers the following reasons and ways to help those looking for extra comfort, love and support in the new year connect with God. Read More

Fellowship Square Says Goodbye to Beloved Board Member Sharon Kay Johnson-Shannon

It is with heavy hearts that the Fellowship Square staff shares the news of board member Sharon Kay Johnson-Shannon’s passing. Read More

Helping Seniors Have a Stress-less Christmas

For many people, the hustle bustle of the holiday season is exciting and even energizing. However, for seniors that are ailing, have memory issues, are limited in mobility or dealing with other issues, the holidays can cause added stress. Read More

Hosting a Multi-Generational Christmas Celebration

When it comes to having the whole family over to celebrate Christmas, it’s likely that the age range of family members will range from little ones to seniors. And that adds to the fun! There can be a way for every member of the family to participate in the celebration and multiple ways for multi-generations to bond regardless of age. Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More

Remembering the Real Reason for the Season

As Christmas rapidly approaches, people can easily get caught up in the hustle-bustle of holiday parties, shopping and Christmas list-making. However, Fellowship reminds residents and their loved ones to take a step back and reflect on the real reason for the season — the birth of Jesus Christ. Read More

Holiday Gift Ideas for Seniors

The season of gift giving is officially here! With Black Friday and Cyber Monday rapidly approaching and Christmas a month away, ‘tis the season to holiday shop! While gift giving is fun for everyone, it’s important to keep a few things in mind when shopping for seniors this season. Fellowship Square offers the following tips. Read More

Specials Ways to Incorporate Seniors into this Thanksgiving Holiday

While Thanksgiving is focused around a hearty turkey feast, getting together as a family is one of the most wonderful parts of the day. With “turkey day” rapidly approaching, Fellowship Square offers simple was to incorporate seniors into this holiday and keep family traditions going strong. Read More

Maintaining Healthy Habits Throughout the Holiday Season

As another year comes to a close and the season of holidays, parties, events, relatives visiting and more is in full swing, eating healthfully, finding time to exercise and maintaining those healthy habits can prove a little more difficult. However, with some proper planning and a little motivation, there is no reason to let the holidays get in the way of healthy habits. Fellowship Square offers the following tips to help seniors — along with their caregivers and loved ones — have a very healthy holiday season! Read More

Bible Study: Tips for Reading the Bible

Fellowship Square shares tips for how to start reading the bible and get the most out of every page. Read More

Honoring Seniors This Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day, November 11, is a special day to recognize and honor those who have served in the U.S. military, and many of those veterans are beloved Fellowship Square residents. This Veteran’s Day, there are many ways to honor and celebrate those who have served. Fellowship Square offers the following ideas: Read More

The Power of Prayer: Tips for getting started and maintaining faith through hard times

Through faith and prayer all of God’s children, regardless of age, can find solace and comfort in even the darkest times. Fellowship Square understands that as seniors age and lose loved ones or are dealing with health issues that seem overwhelming, they can experience sadness, frustration and even anger. However, with the power of prayer, spirits can be lifted — mentally and physically. Fellowship Square offers seniors the following tips for benefitting from the power of prayer. Read More

Treats, Not Tricks — Simple ways to “Treat” Seniors this Halloween

It’s halfway through October already and Halloween will be here in no time! While October 31 is reserved for children going door-to-door to trick or treat, there is no reason loved ones and friends can’t bring a “treat” to the beloved seniors in their lives this Halloween! In fact, it’s scary how much the seniors at Fellowship Square enjoy a visit from friends and family. Those simple stop-bys are such a treat for residents. Fellowship Square offers additional suggestions for treating senior this Thursday, October 31. Read More

Protecting Seniors Against Flu Season

Fellowship Square shares the following information about flu season — and how seniors can protect themselves. Read More

Oral Hygiene Tips for Seniors in Recognition of National Dental Hygiene Month

October is designated as National Dental Hygiene Month, and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Listerine have partnered this year to bring awareness to not only the important work that hygienists do but also how people can take care of their pearly whites throughout their lives. Fellowship Square shares expert tips about how seniors can protect their teeth during National Dental Hygiene Month and beyond! Read More

Healthy Heart Tips in Honor of World Heart Day

On Sunday, September 29, the World Heart Federation recognizes World Heart Day in an effort to raise awareness for heart health. This year, the campaign is focused on encouraging people to “be a Heart Hero by making a promise… to make a simple change for your heart health,” according to the Federation’s website. Fellowship Square reveals more about this important date and how seniors can make changes for their own heart health. Read More

How to Help Seniors Prevent Falls

September 23 has been designated as Falls Prevention Awareness Day, an annual holiday dedicated to raising awareness on how to help prevent injuries in seniors due to falling. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), on this day “national, state, and local partners collaborate to education others about the impact of falls, share fall prevention strategies, and advocate for the expansion of evidenced-based community fall prevention programs.” Read More

Tips for Healthy Aging in Honor of Healthy Aging Month

Fellowship Square shares more about how seniors can live their best — and healthiest — lives in their golden years. Read More

Fun Ways to Spend Labor Day with Seniors

While Labor Day weekend tends to signify the unofficial end of summer, there is certainly no end in sight when it comes to this summer’s excessive heat! But there’s no reason to let the heat deter families and friends from getting together this three-day weekend! Fellowship Square offers some easy and fun ways to spend Labor Day cooling off with seniors, caregivers, friends and family! Read More

Organization 101 – Tips for decluttering, downsizing and “letting go” of unneeded items

Fellowship Square offers the following “organization 101 tips” to help seniors get started. Read More

Motivation through the Word of God

Throughout life, in good times and in hard times, in youth and adulthood, God is there to help guide and lead. Fellowship Square fully believes in the power and comfort that can be found in the hand of God and invites its residents and all seniors to reach out to God when in need of extra encouragement or strength. For those that are feeling scared or lonely at times, they might find comfort in the fact that they are never alone — as God is always by their side. Here are some motivating and encouraging Bible verses that can help inspire strength in all children of God. Read More

Fellowship Square Historic Mesa’s Oasis Assisted Living Center Now Eligible for Tax Credit Donations

All of the Fellowship Square locations — and their umbrella company Christian Care — have long been in support of ensuring that Arizona seniors have nurturing, safe, clean, and inclusive environment in which they feel well cared for and valued during their golden years. And now, Arizona taxpayers can directly help that mission at Fellowship Square Historic Mesa! Read More

Important Immunizations that Seniors Should Consider for Optimal Health

August has been deemed National Immunization Awareness Month and is recognized annually to “highlight the importance of vaccination of people of all ages,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fellowship Square delves into the importance of immunizations for seniors, and some specific safety precautions this beloved demographic should take. Read More

Tips and Treatments for Easing Bone and Joint Pain

Joint pain is a common ailment for many people at various stages of life, but it tends to increase and often becomes more chronic as people age due to damage of the joints from disease or injury. Joint pain is also a result of many health conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout as well as from sprains, strains and more. Fellowship Square further explores what causes it and how seniors can treat joint pain. Read More

Bonding through Faith: Connecting with New Neighbors and Friends with the Help of God

For those that are spiritually connected to their faith, God is there in good times and hard times, in times of celebration and times of isolation. For seniors that are moving into a new living situation such as an assisted living community like Fellowship Square, the changes can seem frightening, overwhelming and even lonely. Fellowship Square invites residents, and all people, to turn to faith during this time as a way to get through challenging times as well as to connect with new neighbors and make new friends – and shares some tips on how to do so. Read More

Safe and Fun Water Activities for Seniors

Summertime is all about making the most of the long days, getting out and enjoying the sunshine (safely) and making a splash! Water activities are a great way to get some exercise, cool down and have some good old-fashioned fun. Fellowship Square offers tips to help seniors enjoy water activities that are fun and safe this summer. Read More

Sun Safety for Seniors

July is designated as Ultraviolet Safety Month — a time to help people understand the dangers of UR rays and how to practice sun safety. Fellowship Square shares the following tips for seniors to stay safe all summer long. Read More

Celebrating Dads this Father’s Day

Regardless of age, once a dad always a dad — and he should be celebrated! This Father’s Day, it’s important to recognize dads for all they have done and the lives they have shaped. Read More

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

It’s June already — that means summer is almost here (it may as well be already!), and it’s also a time designated as Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. In an effort to help advocate for continued research and a cure, Fellowship Square shares the latest in Alzheimer’s research, breakthroughs for a possible cure and more. Read More

Summer Travel Planning Tips for Seniors

The sun is shining and the weather is fantastic (and hot too hot yet!), so it must be summertime! For many, summer is the ideal time to travel. With that in mind, Fellowship Square offers seniors, and their caretakers and loved ones, travel tips to ensure a fun and safe vacation for all. Read More

The Importance of Maintaining a Regular Health and Fitness Routine as a Senior

Staying active plays a large part of a person’s health at any stage in life. As a senior, it has its own set of benefits so it’s important as people age that they maintain (or start – it’s never too late!) a regular exercise routine and healthy eating habits. In honor of National Senior Health and Fitness Day, which is recognized on Wednesday, May 29, Fellowship Square offers the following tips for staying healthy and fit through the golden years. Read More

Important Ways to Honor Military Personnel on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is synonymous with a long three-day weekend, pool parties, BBQs, fireworks and more. However, for seniors, veterans and military personnel, Memorial Day has a much deeper meaning, and it should be honored for all that it truly signifies — the remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price in the name of America. Fellowship Square shares simple yet important ways to honor military personnel this Memorial Day (along with enjoying time with family, a good BBQ and more). Read More

Celebrating Mother’s Day with Seniors: How Adult Daughters Can Bond with their Mothers with Alzheimer’s

Mother’s Day is a special time for mothers of any age to spend with their daughters, granddaughters and their own mothers. However, for adult daughters whose mothers are experiencing dementia or have Alzheimer’s Disease, Mother’s Day may bring feelings of sadness, stress or even anger. Some adult children even relate their parents having very advanced stages of Alzheimer’s (or any serious illness or diagnosis) with already losing them, and that is understandable. However, Fellowship Square notes that Mother’s Day can still be a joyous time for women — and shares easy tips on simple ways for all families to bond on this special day honoring Mom. Read More

Tips for Managing Arthritis in Honor of National Arthritis Awareness Month

May is recognized as National Arthritis Awareness Month and serves as an opportunity to help seniors learn more about this condition and how to manage it. Fellowship Square shares more about this movement and the condition itself to help seniors with arthritis reduce and manage pain associated with arthritis. Read More

Fun Outdoor Sports and Activities to do with Seniors this Spring

Now is the time to get out and enjoy the weather before the summer sun has valley residents seeking the refuge of the air-conditioned indoors! There is plenty of fun and active things caregivers and loved ones can do with their favorite seniors this spring. Fellowship Square shares some ideas and tips for planning a fun day outdoors. Read More

Fun and Easy Ways to Easter Sunday and Earth Day with Seniors

With Easter Sunday and Earth Day happening back-to-back this year, there are plenty of ways to celebrate the holiday — and the planet — this weekend. Fellowship Square offers fun and simple ways to honor both of these events. Read More

What Seniors Need to Know About Being a Donor

Giving life to a person in need by way of being an organ donor is one of the most amazing gifts a person can give before they leave this earth! April has been deemed National Donate Life Month (NDLM) by Donate Life America in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of becoming a donor and what people need to know to become a donor. Fellowship Square dives in to share some facts and recent research about becoming an organ, eye and tissue donor. Read More

The Benefits of Walking for Seniors

For many years, the first Wednesday in April has been deemed National Walking Day, a day to bring awareness to the many health benefits of this low-impact exercise. However, this day, originally sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA), has evolved into the Move More, Live More movement. Instead of just one day of the month, the entire month of April is now dedicated to celebrating physical activity and encouraging “all Americans to commit to being more active on a regular basis,” according to the American Heart Association website. Read More

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors Based on the New Tax Cuts

With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which was signed in 2017, many retirees and seniors may be questioning how this new law will impact their filing — and more importantly, their returns. With Tax Day rapidly approaching on April 15, Fellowship Square shares new information for filing in 2019 to help provide clarity for seniors as they prepare their taxes. Read More

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Kidney in Honor of National Kidney Month

March is recognized as National Kidney Month, and there is no better time to help seniors understand the risks and treatment for this disease. According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney disease can develop at any age but people over the age of 60 more likely than not will develop the disease. Fellowship Square Read More

Helping Seniors Understand and Prevent Diabetes on American Diabetes Alert Day

On the last Tuesday of March every year, is March 26 this year, the American Diabetes Association Alert Day is held to encourage people to take the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test and learn more about the risk of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, one in three Americans is at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Fellowship Square takes a closer look at this disease, its risks and how seniors can prevent it. Read More

Fun Ways to Celebrate Spring with Seniors

With the weather at its finest (after a few crazy storms all throughout the state!), it’s finally time to get outside and enjoy the very reason out-of-towners flock to the area this time of year! With so much going on this spring in the Valley of the Sun, family and loved ones can help seniors make the most of spring! Read More

Tips for Maintaining Vision with Age

March is recognized as “Save Your Vision Month;” however ocular health is important not just on one day or one month, but all year round. Fellowship Square offers optometrist-approved tips for maintaining vision and eye health with age. Read More

President’s Day Getaways — Fun and Safe Three-Day Weekend Ideas with Seniors

With a three-day weekend on the horizon, it’s not too late to plan a quick getaway with seniors. Arizona is home to a plethora of easy day-trips, overnighters and weekend stays that are ideal for any three-day getaway. Fellowship Square offers the following trip ideas and safety tips: Read More

Spreading Love to Seniors on Valentine’s Day

February 14 has become the “loveliest” day of the year, and with each Valentine’s Day it seems like more and more hype surrounds this heart-centric holiday. While most seniors don’t require a fancy dinner or giant teddy bear to enjoy the day, Fellowship Square offers some simple and heartfelt ways to spread love to seniors this Valentine’s Day. Read More

2019 Fitness Trends — What to Try and What to Pass By

It seems with each New Year, as people make their fitness resolutions, there are just as many new fitness fads to match the number of people that vow to make exercise a regular part of their to-do lists. But not all fitness trends are created equal… some make their way into the mainstream while others just fall by the wayside. Fellowship Square reveals some of the top fitness trends of 2019… and what didn’t make the cut. Read More

Tips for Getting Motivated to Achieve Goals in 2019

While a huge portion of the population, nearly 40 percent according to the Washington Post, makes New Year’s resolutions, many struggle with actually keeping them. Motivation is a huge factor in setting and achieving goals. Fellowship Square offers tips to help seniors get motivated to achieve their goals in 2019. Read More

Senior Fitness Tips: “Safety 101”

With every New Year millions of Americans, including seniors, resolve to get back in shape or lose a few pounds. Though many people’s resolutions may have already gone by the wayside, even though it’s not yet even the end of January, Fellowship Square believes that getting and staying fit is important all year round. For its active seniors that want to get back in shape, Fellowship Square offers the following tips: Read More

Tips for Seniors to Maintain Healthy Eyes in Honor of Glaucoma Awareness Month

January marks Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time dedicated to helping people understand more about the disease, who it impacts and how to prevent it. Fellowship Square shares tips for seniors on how to maintain eye health. Read More

Making and Keeping New Year’s Resolutions in 2019


Fun and Safe Ways to Celebrate New Year’s with Seniors

Ringing in another year is an exciting and celebratory time for many — seniors included! However, due to age or illness, they may have some limitations that revelers should be aware of when planning celebrations that include seniors. Fellowship Square offers the following tips to ensure a safe, fun and happy New Year! Read More

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips for Seniors

Admittedly enjoying extra sweet and treats is one of the most fun parts of the holidays. However, at any age, deterring too far from any nutrition plan can result in bloating, feeling sluggish, digestive and stomach issues and more. While the caregivers at Fellowship Square are all In favor of indulging a bit in festive feasting during the season, they offer tips to help keep seniors’ nutrition on track, for the most part! Read More

Out with the Old… In with the New!

As another year comes to a close and people begin to welcome in 2019, there is no better time to think about de-cluttering, making a change in a senior’s living situation (such as down-sizing or moving into an assisted living facility) or setting goals for a New Year. Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors and their caregivers for a smooth transition. Read More

Bringing the Spirit of the Season to Seniors

Caregivers and family members that assist with seniors whether they are in assisted living or still on their own are such important people in the seniors’ lives. They provide nurturing, love and all the things that help ease the lives’ of ailing seniors. During the holidays, they can also be instrumental in making sure that the seniors in their lives are enjoying this festive season. Fellowship Square offers tips for caregivers and loved ones to help bring the spirit of the season to seniors! Read More

Special Ways Seniors Can Contribute to the Season

Tis the season! The month of December brings the joy of the holidays — celebrations, time with family and friends, gift giving and merriment. While the holidays are supposed to be happy times, sometimes can seniors can have trouble finding their place in the celebrations. Fellowships Square offers ideas for special ways seniors can contribute to the season. Read More

Celebrating Jesus All Month Long

Now that Thanksgiving has passed and December is around the corner, many people start focusing on the next big holidays during the last month of the year —Christmas. While this date is intended to be about the celebration of the birth of Christ, oftentimes, the hustle bustle of parties, shopping and feasting redirects the focus. However, Fellowship Square offers tips to maintain the reason for the season and celebrating Jesus all month long. Read More

The Attitude of Gratitude: Easy and Fun Ways to Give Thanks to Seniors This Month

November is all about being thankful and showing gratitude. Expressing appreciation for seniors (and all loved ones) doesn’t have to be limited to Thanksgiving Day. Why not spread the love all month long — or better yet, year round! Sometimes seniors don’t get the appreciation they deserve, so Fellowship Square is sharing simple ways that loved ones can show elders their “attitude of gratitude.” Read More

Honoring Veterans on Veterans Day

November 11th is an important day of recognition for those who have served in the U.S. military, which many seniors and residents of Fellowship Square have done. There are many ways that caretakers and loved ones can show appreciation for the veterans in their lives on this day and ways to honor the day together. Fellowship Square offers the following ideas. Read More

Finding Faith: Turning to the Lord For Support When Feeling Alone

Throughout the holiday season there is much cause for merriment, with celebrations and gatherings with friends and loved ones. However, many seniors and elderly people that don’t have family or friends nearby could end up feeling alone during a time that is supposed to feel joyous. Especially during these times, it’s important for seniors to remember — or their caregivers to help remind them — that they are never alone with the Lord by their side. Read More

Easy Tips to Help Seniors Stay Healthy Through Flu Season

With fall and winter seasons come cool weather and holiday festivities with friends and loved ones, but also the dreaded flu season. While people of any age are susceptible, its important that seniors that may have fragile immune systems do their best to stave off colds. Luckily, there are some easy tips to staying healthy through flu season. Fellowship Square offers the following tips: Read More

Tips for Recognizing Depression in the Elderly

Many recognize October as National Depression Awareness month, and Fellowship Square feels that depression should be recognized all year round. Diagnosis impacts many seniors, and its important to recognize the signs so loved ones and caretakers can get the seniors in their lives the help they need. Read More

Tips for Spreading Joy to Seniors

For seniors that have lost their significant other, or who sometimes experiences feelings of sadness as they age, a small ray of light can make all their difference in their day. Caretakers and loved ones may sometimes struggle with how they can help the seniors in their lives feel happy. So with that in mind, Fellowship Square offers small, simple gestures that can result in big smiles — for seniors and loved ones alike. Read More

Tips for a Fun and Safe Halloween Season with Seniors

It’s already October and it seems that holidays these days are just as much about decorating beforehand than the actual event… but it sure is fun! In light of the upcoming fall holidays, including Halloween this month, Fellowship Square shares fun ways caretakers and loved ones can help seniors celebrate this spooky holiday. Read More

Positive Messages: Ways to “Look on the Bright Side” through Scripture

While the Golden Years are supposed to be a time of enjoyment, with age there can also be some difficult hurdles seniors must endure. However, when challenges arise, as it inevitable at any age, Fellowship Square invites seniors and their caretakers to turn to scripture to help seniors find positive messages of perseverance. Read More

Nutrition Tips to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

September 29 marks World Heart Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness for cardiovascular disease (CVD). In honor of helping to spread awareness and prevent CVD, Fellowship Square shares tips to help reduce senior’s risk of CVD. Read More

Pain Management Tips for Seniors: New Methods, Treatment and Diagnosis

In honor of Pain Awareness Month this September, Fellowship Square delves into the topic. With tips, treatments and new methods of management, seniors can painlessly enjoy their Golden Years. Read More

The Benefits of Yoga in Honor of National Yoga Month

September is also known as National Yoga Month. The practice is beneficial for seniors in so many ways — mind, body and spirit. In celebration of National Yoga Month, Fellowship Square shares the benefits seniors can enjoy from regular yoga practice, as well as some beginner moves that can be done just about anywhere. Read More

Tips for Seniors on Starting a New Hobby

In retirement, seniors may have more time to finally enjoy some of the passions they’ve had over the course of their lifetime but perhaps were too busy with work and raising families to dedicate much time to. The Golden Years are a great time for seniors to focus on the things they love to do and the way they enjoy spending their time. For seniors who are looking for a new hobby to pursue, Fellowship Square offers the following tips: Read More

Starting a Fitness Routine: 5 Ways to Get and Stay Motivated

Getting into the habit of exercising or starting a new fitness program sounds easy enough. But it’s the actual execution of the daily or weekly routine that can get tricky! It can be tough to commit to a new exercise routine if it is challenging or new. However, Fellowship Square offers these five simple tips to get and stay motivated. Read More

A Lifetime of Memories: Connect with Seniors Through their Past

Adult children and grandchildren of seniors, particularly those that suffer with dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and other memory-loss related issues, can sometimes have difficulty connecting and bonding about day-to day life. However, one of the most interesting parts of some of these memory-reducing diseases is that seniors can often recall their past memories in great detail — it’s more current memories that seem to escape them. Read More

Getting Crafty: Easy/Fun Crafts to Enjoy with Seniors

At Fellowship Square, art is one of the most popular activities and offerings available to the residents. However, the beauty of art is that it is only limited by creativity so it can be done in endless ways. Read More

Fellowship Square Historic Mesa Receives Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant from The Arizona Commission on the Arts

Fellowship Square Historic Mesa’s own Activity Coordinator Laura K. Ontiveros, CNP recently received the exciting news that the campus has been awarded the Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant from The Arizona Commission on the Arts. The funds will be used to offer residents a one-of-a-kind art and education program. Read More

Vacation Ideas and Travel Tips for Seniors

One of the best parts of retirement and the Golden Years is having the time and freedom to travel! As the Valley of the Sun continues its heat streak, there is no better time to get out of town on an adventure. Fellowship Square offers ideas for vacations as well as travel tips for seniors, especially those that suffer with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. Read More

The Benefits of the Golden Years

Some of the best years of one’s life occur in the “golden years.” These are the days of relaxation, but also of explorations and freedoms that come with retirement. Fellowship Square reminds seniors of the very best parts of aging! Read More

Tips for Recognizing Anniversaries and Birthdays with a Dementia or Alzheimer’s Sufferer

Celebrations bring joy to the everyday. But they can also cause anxiety and stress for the elderly that may not understand the purpose of the celebration due to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. However, that doesn’t mean all celebrations should be ignored. Fellowship Square offers tips to honor special anniversaries, birthdays and holidays with senior loved ones. Read More

Indoor Fitness Ideas: Ways to Keep Active When It’s Too Hot to Go Outside


Independence Day – Celebrating Freedom with Seniors

With the 4th of July just around the corner, it’s important to think about how to appropriately include elderly and senior loved one in the patriotic celebrations. However, large crowds of festivals, and the loud noises of fireworks might not be the type of festivities that seniors feel comfortable partaking in —communicating plans clearly is key in order for the entire family to have a fun and safe Independence Day! Fellowship Square offers tips for multi-generational family fun this 4th of July. Read More

Splash into Summer — The Health Benefits of Swimming

With the official onset of summer comes the real “treat” — three-digit temperatures that prompt heat advisories warning residents against spending too much time out in the desert hiking or biking. Swimming is a fantastic alternative to these outdoor workouts. It allows seniors to get their exercise while beating the heat, and there are so many other advantages to this low-impact activity. Read More

Let’s Hear it for the Boys: Health Tips for Senior Males

The third week in June is recognized as Men’s Health Week. However, just one week of health awareness won’t make much of a difference — maintaining one’s health requires daily attention especially as people age. Fellowship Square believes that the health of senior males should be monitored all year round to help with early detection of male-prone health concerns. With that, Fellowship Square offers the following tips to ensure men’s health well into the Golden Years. Read More

Fellowship Square Celebrates Global Wellness Day

As Global Wellness Day rapidly approaches this Saturday, June 9, Fellowship Square brings awareness for overall wellness. With the following easy tips, seniors can enjoy their golden years in their best health and mindset possible by setting lifestyle goals and achieving them. Read More

Fellowship Square Explains the Importance of “Going Purple” in June

These days, there are many colors associated with disease and disease prevention. The representative color for Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness is purple – and the month to recognize these conditions and raise awareness for them is June. Fellowship Square shares how going purple this June can help make a difference. Read More

Fellowship Square Celebrations National Senior Health and Fitness Day

This Wednesday, May 30, 2018, marks the 25th anniversary of National Senior Health and Fitness Day, which takes place annually on the last Wednesday of May. This date is dedicated to the awareness of keeping older Americans healthy and fit. More than 100,000 older adults are expected to participate in activities at more than 1,000 locations around the country this Wednesday, according to Read More

Memorial Day – Remembering Our Military Service Men and Women

For many people, Memorial Day marks the end of school, the unofficial start of summer and the all-important three-day weekend. However, for seniors and residents of Fellowship Square and military families, the day has much deeper significance. Read More

Making New Friends and Bonding Through Faith

When it comes to moving into a new community, new residents may wonder how they are going to connect with their new neighbors. One of the strongest ways that Fellowship Square residents and staff encourage is through faith. With the common thread of belief and prayer, it’s easy to make a connection with new friends — young and old. Whether going to services together, reading scripture or simply starting a prayer circle, faith forms a strong bond. Read More

Fellowship Square Recognizes Arthritis Awareness Month

May marks Arthritis Awareness Month, as it is one of the most widespread health conditions in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In honor of this month, Fellowship Square looks at remedies, treatments, and methods to soothe pain and stiffness and more. Read More

Getting Outdoors with Seniors

With spring weather quickly segueing into summer heat, now is the time to get out and enjoy the cooler temps before triple-digit degrees descend upon the valley. Fellowship Square offers outdoor activities to do with seniors this spring! Read More

Tips for Caring for Mother Earth

While Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22, Mother Earth should be honored every day! There is so much that inhabitants of the planet can do to care for it and make it a better, cleaner place for future generations. Fellowship Square suggests fun and simple ways seniors can help care for Mother Earth. Read More

Giving the Gift of Life: How to Become a Donor

In honor of April being named as “National Donate Life Month,” Fellowship Square offers tips for senior citizens to consider on how to become a donor. In 2003, National Donate Life Month was instituted by Donate Life America along with other organizations to bring awareness to the importance of organ, eye and tissue donations, and to help encourage Americans to register as a donor to help save lives. Read More

World Health Organization’s World Health Day

Saturday, April 7 marks the World Health Organization’s World Health Day and with events going on in celebration around the globe, Fellowship Square is taking the opportunity to share some health tips to consider on this day — and every day! For general health and wellbeing as seniors age, Fellowship Square offers their “Top Five Health Tips.” Read More

Diabetes Awareness: How Seniors Can Prevent and Manage Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, “approximately 25 percent of Americans over the age of 60 years old have diabetes and aging of the U.S. population is widely acknowledged as one of the drivers of the diabetes epidemic.” Diabetes can affect older adults in different ways including functionality, mobility and increased risk for specific complications. Read More

Dive into Spring with Fun Outdoor Activities for Seniors

There is no better time than spring in the valley of the sun to enjoy the outdoors! The weather is primed for outdoor activities! Fellowship Square shares fun ways for seniors to get outdoors and active this spring! Read More

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Kidneys

In honor of March being recognized as National Kidney Month, Fellowship Square offers tips to seniors and their caregivers to keep those kidneys in tip top shape! During this month the National Kidney Foundation encourages Americans to “give their kidneys a second thought and a well-deserved checkup.” Read More

Save Your Vision Month

In honor of March being “Save Your Vision” month, Fellowship Square advises seniors to maintain their eye health. Read More

Tips for Maintaining Proper Nutrition as a Senior

In honor of March being recognized as National Nutrition Month, Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors to maintain proper nutrition. Eating right is one of the most important ways that seniors can reverse the effects of or prevent certain illnesses. Read More

Tax Credits: What Seniors Need to Know When Filing

With Tax Day rapidly approaching, Fellowship Square offers tips to seniors, and their caregivers, when it comes to tax credits they can use to their advantage. While taxes can be somewhat overwhelming to understand, it’s important to know that citizens 65 and older are eligible for specific tax credits. Read More

Connecting Through History: Bonding with Seniors While Recognizing Presidents’ Day

With the three-day weekend ahead in celebration on Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 19, Fellowship Square offers ways that family and friends can connect and bond with seniors over the holiday. Read More

Tips for Keeping a Healthy Heart

February has been dubbed American Heart Month. In honor of this important organ — and the fact that Valentine’s Day, the holiday dedicated to all things heart-related — Fellowship Square offers residents and seniors tips on how to keep a healthy (and happy!) heart… not just in February, but all year long. Read More

Fellowship Square Advises Seniors to “Go Red” All Month Long

February has also been designated as American Heart Month, and February 2 is “National Go Red Day” in honor of women’s cardiovascular disease awareness. Read More
Categories: In The News

New Years’ Resolution-Making Tips for Seniors


Starting off the New Year with New Health Goals

With the New Year often come resolutions. Not surprisingly, in today’s fitness and health-focused society, weight loss and “get healthy” goals are usually at the top of the resolution list. However, these resolutions often go unachieved, as resolvers get off track from their goals. Fellowship Square offers the following tips to help fitness-focused seniors make new health goals — and stick to them. Read More

Fellowship Square Announces Launch of Fellowship Square University

Fellowship Square Announces Launch of Fellowship Square University: New Program Answers the Call for More Educational Programs at Senior Living Community Read More

Fellowship Square Blog Art and Soul: Art Therapy for Seniors

Many seniors may have enjoyed art as a hobby or even a career throughout their lives, and into their elder years, art can actually have many positive benefits. Art can be used as therapy in many ways, and with many beneficial results to increase seniors’ quality of life. Read More

How to Leave a Legacy

As seniors age and move into other phases of their life, leaving a legacy becomes an important rite of passage. Fellowship Square offers ideas for leaving behind a legacy for loved ones to enjoy for many years. Read More

Debunking Myths about Assisted Living and Retirement Communities

Some seniors have some preconceived notions about assisted living facilities, but these connotations are actually often untrue and sometimes totally far-fetched. Fellowship Square sets the record straight about these often-negative myths! Read More

Giving the Gift of Companionship: To Pet or Not to Pet

Pets are a great way to brighten the spirits of any senior! Fellowship Square offers tips and advice to answer the question, “Should you get a pet for a relative over 60?” Read More

14th Edition of the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 (LZ 150) Released

The 14th edition of the LeadingAge Ziegler 150 (LZ 150) has been released, and Christian Care Companies repeatedly ranked on several of the annual report’s lists! Read More

Christian Care Nursing Center Maintains Five Star Rating

Christian Care Nursing Center’s overall five star rating continues! Read More

Holiday Tips: Identify Theft Increases During the Holiday Season

Did you know identity theft increases during the holiday season? Check out these 10 tips for preventing it from happening to you! Read More

Preparing Seniors for the Holidays

While the purpose of this season is to honor religious and spiritual beliefs, the holidays can often become unnecessary sources of stress for seniors. Fellowship Square offers caregivers and family members tips to help their senior loved ones enjoy the holidays — and avoid stress — this season. Read More

Motivational Messages: Making God a Part of Every Day

As a Christian-based living community for seniors, Fellowship Squares believes in the power of God for healing, connecting with loved ones and living a faith-based life. To form a connection with God, consider these simple tips: Read More

Make Yourself at Home: Finding Your Place in a New Assisted Living Community

As a new resident of an assisted living community, you may have apprehensions about unfamiliar surroundings. To make the most of your new living quarters, Fellowship Square offers the following tips to help you get acquainted! Read More

November is National Family Caregiver’s Month

November is dedicated to honoring family members, friends and others that provide care for their relatives and loved ones. During National Family Caregivers month, recognition is given to these selfless people! Read More

New Holiday Traditions to Start with Seniors

With the season of fall celebrations in full swing, there’s no better time to consider how the holidays might be impacting seniors and loved ones that are aging, ill or experiencing dementia and other diagnoses that will change the way holiday celebrations take place. Read More

Honoring Veterans Day with Seniors

November 11 serves as a special day of recognition and remembrance for Americans across the country. For those who served, their families and loved ones, Veterans Day is important to recognize. Read More

Tips to Help Seniors Reduce Falls

As seniors continue to age, falling can become a major health risk. However, there are many small, easy tips caregivers and loved ones can take to help the seniors in their lives avoid unnecessary falls. Read More

The ABC’s of Flu Season and Vaccinations

October marks the onset of flu season in Arizona. With the new season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released suggestions regarding getting the flu shot for the 2017-2018 season. Read More

5 Best Fitness Tips for Seniors Over the Age of 75

As a senior citizen over the age of 75, there are specific safety precautions that should be discussed with a doctor prior to beginning a new exercise routine. Once Doc has given the green light, read on for some fitness tips to get started! Read More

Tips for Healthy Eating at Any Age

"Eating healthy” can be easier said then done. With a few simple tips, maintaining a healthy eating routine can be done without feeling deprived — and while really enjoying what’s on the plate. Read More

10 Myths about Aging

There are many myths about aging or elderly people that simple aren’t true. Fellowship Square debunks the myths about aging that should never be assumed about senior citizens. Read More

Healthy Snacking Tips for Seniors

When it comes to getting the proper nutrition, many seniors struggle with fulfilling their daily requirements for a number of reasons. With some simple and healthy snacking ideas, seniors can get their nutrition and enjoy foods with naturally delicious flavors and textures. Read More

Starting a New Hobby: Tips for Seniors

Many active seniors find the retirement life, and the slower pace, a bit too quiet. If you or a senior in your life needs a fun way to fill up their days, starting a new hobby can be just the thing to keep their minds and bodies engaged! Read More

Connecting with Dementia

It's important to remain close and connected to a family member who is suffering from memory loss in order to guide them through their possible diagnosis and help them navigate their daily activities. Read More

September is Healthy Aging Month

September is recognized as Healthy Aging Month, a time to honor the golden period in a senior’s life. It’s also a time to consider some ways to refocus on the importance of getting and staying healthy. Fellowship Square offers the following five tips for healthy, happy aging. Read More

Eliminating the Stress of Vacationing with Dementia Sufferers

Dementia doesn’t have to curtail travel plans! With a few careful planning strategies, and some love and support along the way, you can still have a wonderful getaway. Read More

Fellowship Square’s Spotlight on Chaplain Jayne Reynolds

Meet Jane Reynolds, Fellowship Square's Chaplain who has been on staff for ten years! Read More

Simple Tips for Understanding Medicare

If you or a loved one is approaching the age of 65, you will soon be eligible for Medicare. Navigating the ins and outs of this program can be simplified with these simple tips. Read More

Fellowship Square Blog: Honoring the Elderly on National Senior Citizens Day

National Senior Citizens Day is August 21! We encourage loved ones and friends to reach out to the special senior citizens in their lives on this day, offering five fun and special ways to recognize a senior citizen! Read More

Think Small: Downsizing Tips for Seniors

Oftentimes, downsizing can be liberating, freeing, and even a fun and meaningful way to bond with family members and loved ones. Make downsizing a positive experience for seniors with these tips. Read More

Tech-Savvy Tips for Seniors

The modern world is dependent upon computers, smart phones, tablets and other electronic personal devices. While today’s seniors grew up without these high-tech conveniences, it’s not too late for them to jump on the high-tech wave of the future! Read More

Tips for Helping Your Partner Cope with Memory Loss

With these tips, you can help your loved one cope with memory loss and continue to stay strong as a couple and individually. Read More

Are You Sure Your Loved One Has A UTI?

We believe in working together with our Residents and their families to ensure that we are meeting the needs of their loved one. In this spirit we share new findings about antibiotic resistance and urinary tract infection (UTI). Read More

Tips for Communicating with a Dementia Sufferer

As loved ones age and begin to lose the power of their memory, relating to and communicating with them can become increasingly difficult. Keeping in mind these tips can ensure your relationships with dementia sufferers remain strong when they need you most. Read More

Memory Loss Versus Alzheimer’s: How to Tell the Difference

Memory loss is often associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. However, memory loss is not necessarily an indicator of these more serious illnesses. In fact, age-related memory loss is quite common. However, determining which is which is important. Read More

Keeping Seniors Hydrated

While everyone is at risk for dehydration, it’s especially crucial that older adults and seniors pay attention to their hydration levels, or that their caregivers and loved ones watch out for the sighs of dehydration in seniors. Read More

5 Signs of Memory Loss You May Not Easily Recognize

While most people associate Alzheimer’s disease with memory loss, there is more to the disease. These five signs of memory loss are not usually recognized as “red flags” — yet they should be. Read More

Eat Your Way to Healthy Brain Function

Researchers and scientists recommend certain foods that they believe can help slow the effects of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. A healthy diet with a wide variety of the following foods combined with exercise can play an important role in keen cognitive brain function. Read More

June Marks Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

The Alzheimer’s Association has dedicated itself to finding a cure — and encourages others to “Go Purple” in June to spread awareness and learn about the truths and misconceptions surrounding Alzheimer’s in order to help end the disease for good. Read More

Living a Healthy Lifestyle After 60

They don’t call them the “Golden Years” for nothing — life after 60 can be an incredible time in any senior’s life. Fellowship Square offers our top five ways to live a healthy lifestyle after the age of 60. Read More

Motivational Fitness Tips for Seniors

In honor of National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 25, Fellowship Square is sharing some motivational tips on how to help the beloved seniors in your life get in shape and stay active in their golden years. Check out our “Top 5” Ways to Motivate Seniors! Read More

Home Remedies to Soothe Arthritis and Chronic Joint Pain

When suffering with arthritis, it’s important to listen to your body’s signs. It’s also crucial to note that the seasons can actually have an effect on chronic joint pain, specifically humid weather. Read More

Arthritis Awareness Month: Early Detection and Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis Awareness Month brings attention to those dealing with this type of chronic pain and their loved ones to help detect early symptoms and follow the right steps to ensure proper care and treatment. While it’s important to consult a physician to determine whether you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of arthritis, there are some indicatives clues. Read More

Assisted Living Move-in Checklist

Packing and preparing to move a loved one into an assisted or independent living community can be an emotional time for all family members involved. However, with some information from the community — including what items are already provided, specifics on space and any restrictions — and this handy checklist, moving day can become an exciting part of the loved one’s next phase in life. Read More

Bathroom Safety for Seniors

With slippery surfaces from tile to tubs, it’s no wonder that bathrooms can be dangerous areas — especially for elderly citizens who may suffer from poor muscle strength, balance or have a history of falling. According to Consumer Affairs, 80 percent of falls that happen at home occur in the bathroom, and a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that on a yearly basis close to 200,000 Americans are treated in emergency rooms as a result of injuries occurring in the bathroom. Read More

Comprehensive Elder Abuse Resources in Arizona

It can be a very difficult situation for an adult child if they suspect abuse of their parents in an assisting living community or from a caregiver, particularly if the loved one is out of state and frequent visits are not possible. However, if there is cause for concern, there are a number of resources in Arizona that can come to the aid of the elderly parent. Read More

2017 LeadingAge Fitness Challenge

On March 1, LeadingAge sponsored a fitness challenge for seniors that included a variety of athletic events, such as Wii Bowling, an obstacle course, a basketball bounce and a half mile walk. Read More

Seniors and Safe Driving

As we age, it is important to ensure our safety, and the safety of others, when we are driving. If you are concerned about your own driving or worried about a friend or loved one, keep an eye out for these warning signs: Read More

The Cost of Long-Term Care in Arizona

When it comes time to help a loved one find appropriate long-term care, cost will eventually be a major factor. While costs often vary greatly, pinpointing a specific budgetary range without sacrificing quality of care can still be accomplished with some careful research, planning and financial options as well. Read More

Christian Care Nursing Center Strengthens Five Star Rating

Christian Care Nursing Center’s overall five star rating is stronger than ever before! The center’s quality measure rating increased from three stars to five stars. Read More

Activities of Daily Living: Checklists & Assessments

When it comes time for adult children to care for their aging parents, it’s helpful to have proper guidelines in place to make the process of determining the parent’s needs smooth and easy for everyone involved. Read More

Never too old for fitness—how to stay active after 60

Getting fit and staying active is not only important for health reasons, it’s also a fun, a great way to spend time with friends and meet new people! After all, you’re never too old for fitness! Here are five tips for staying active after 60. Read More

5 Tips for a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is a serious condition. According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Now for the good news: heart disease can often be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes. In honor of American Heart Month, here are five tips for a healthy heart. Read More

Big & Loud

Christian Care Phoenix Outpatient Rehab is now certified to offer a globally recognized program to help Parkinson’s disease patients. LSVT Global, Inc. pioneered two programs, LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG, which are innovative and clinically-proven methods for improving communication and movement in individuals with Parkinson’s dise Read More

Five Tips For Downsizing

Moving into Fellowship Square? Have too much "stuff?" Take a look at these easy tips to make your transition into our beautiful community easier! Read More

Five Myths of Living Alone

The prospect of living alone, especially after many years with a partner or spouse can be intimidating--but it doesn't have to be. We'll share five myths of living alone, and how to overcome these situations! Read More

Common Memory Loss Warning Signs

Learn how to spot memory loss and how to tell if it's "normal" or could indicate something that needs medical attention. Read More

Five Myths of Retirement Communities

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