
Stress Less Tips for Seniors

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get into the spirit of the season! The holidays can be such a fun and joyous time — embrace it! And don’t let stress get in the way of celebrating the real reasons for the seasons. Read More
Categories: General

Celebrating Easter with Seniors

Fellowship Square shares easy and fun ways to celebrate the Easter holiday with seniors. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Holidays

Preparing for Lent — What to Give Up and How

Fellowship Square offers the following ways in which seniors can prepare for Lent and be successful in the days following. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Faith, Holidays

Ringing in 2022

Fellowship Square offers some tips for celebrating New Year’s Eve and making resolutions for 2022! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

When the Holidays aren’t so Jolly

Fellowship Square shares some tips to help seniors get through the holidays and for caregivers and loved ones to help make the holidays a little brighter for seniors who are struggling. Read More
Categories: General

Four Budget Friendly Ways to Celebrate the Season

Fellowship Square offers four inexpensive (or free!) and fun ways to celebrate the holidays this season. Read More
Categories: General

Giving Thanks — How Gratitude Can Help Create Happiness

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, a lot of emphasis is placed upon gratitude. While Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to show appreciation to others (and to oneself!), gratitude is a valuable asset to use all year round. And studies even show that having gratitude can help create happiness. Fellowship Square dives into this topic and offers advice to seniors on how to be more grateful, starting now! Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Spooktacular Fun – Tips to seniors can get into the holiday “spirit”

Fellowship Square suggests some fun tips to get seniors in a “Spooktacular” mood this month. Read More
Categories: General
Tags: Holidays

Fall Fun for Seniors

It’s officially autumn! And while the weather may not seem like it yet, fall activities abound and pumpkin spice is… well, everywhere! So it’s time to celebrate the season! Fellowship Square offers its residents and seniors fun ideas for the fall season. Read More
Categories: General

Grillin’ and Chillin’ - Easy Summer BBQ Ideas

Fellowship Square offers easy summer BBQ ideas for seniors. Read More
Categories: General

Father’s Day Celebrations for Senior Dads

Fellowship Square offers some fun and simple ways to recognize Dad this Father’s Day. Read More
Categories: General

Safe Ideas for a Fun Three-day Weekend in Honor of Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend serves as the unofficial kick-off to summer! Temperatures around the valley already feeling like summertime plus the fact that many seniors have been restricting their travel since COVID-19 add up to the perfect recipe for a fun three-day weekend itinerary in honor of Memorial Day. With that in mind, Fellowship Square offers some ways that seniors can enjoy a leisurely three-day weekend. Read More
Categories: General

Honoring Earth Day

Earth Day is recognized around the world for just one “official” day a year, but honoring Mother Earth through conservation practices is something seniors (and everyone!) can do every single day. Fellowship Square encourages seniors to consider how they can become more eco-conscious this Earth Day. Read More
Categories: General, In The News

Honoring the Rise of Christ on Easter

On Easter Sunday, Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Fellowship Square offers safe tips to help seniors honor the rise of Christ this year. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Fun Ways to Celebrate Mardi Gras and Get Ready for Lent

Fellowship Square offers some safe and fun ways for seniors to recognize Fat Tuesday and prepare for Lent. Read More
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Holidays

Why Resolutions are Important (and When They Can be Too Much)

Though it's already mid-January, some people are still making resolutions or deciding if they even want to! And why not? There is no science that supports a resolutions has to be made and begun on January 1 to see specific results. Any day is a good day to make a change if someone really wants to make a change! But regardless of the day they are begun, resolutions can be a great way to get and stay motivated toward making a change. With that in mind, Fellowship Square delves into why resolutions are important… and when they can become overwhelming. Read More
Categories: General

Ready for the New Year? Tips for Making Resolutions for 2021

Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get excited about the New Year with some easy resolution-making tips for 2021. Read More
Categories: General

Stress Less Tips for the Christmas Season

The holidays seem to be approaching more quickly than ever before! With just a few more days before Christmas and just weeks away from the New Year, Fellowship Square offers seniors stress-free tips to get through the season — and the end of the year. Read More
Categories: General
Fellowship Square

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