Fellowship Square Blog

The Power of Prayer: Tips for getting started and maintaining faith through hard times

Through faith and prayer all of God’s children, regardless of age, can find solace and comfort in even the darkest times. Fellowship Square understands that as seniors age and lose loved ones or are dealing with health issues that seem overwhelming, they can experience sadness, frustration and even anger. However, with the power of prayer, spirits can be lifted — mentally and physically. Fellowship Square offers seniors the following tips for benefitting from the power of prayer. Read More

Treats, Not Tricks — Simple ways to “Treat” Seniors this Halloween

It’s halfway through October already and Halloween will be here in no time! While October 31 is reserved for children going door-to-door to trick or treat, there is no reason loved ones and friends can’t bring a “treat” to the beloved seniors in their lives this Halloween! In fact, it’s scary how much the seniors at Fellowship Square enjoy a visit from friends and family. Those simple stop-bys are such a treat for residents. Fellowship Square offers additional suggestions for treating senior this Thursday, October 31. Read More

Protecting Seniors Against Flu Season

Fellowship Square shares the following information about flu season — and how seniors can protect themselves. Read More

Oral Hygiene Tips for Seniors in Recognition of National Dental Hygiene Month

October is designated as National Dental Hygiene Month, and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Listerine have partnered this year to bring awareness to not only the important work that hygienists do but also how people can take care of their pearly whites throughout their lives. Fellowship Square shares expert tips about how seniors can protect their teeth during National Dental Hygiene Month and beyond! Read More

Healthy Heart Tips in Honor of World Heart Day

On Sunday, September 29, the World Heart Federation recognizes World Heart Day in an effort to raise awareness for heart health. This year, the campaign is focused on encouraging people to “be a Heart Hero by making a promise… to make a simple change for your heart health,” according to the Federation’s website. Fellowship Square reveals more about this important date and how seniors can make changes for their own heart health. Read More

How to Help Seniors Prevent Falls

September 23 has been designated as Falls Prevention Awareness Day, an annual holiday dedicated to raising awareness on how to help prevent injuries in seniors due to falling. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), on this day “national, state, and local partners collaborate to education others about the impact of falls, share fall prevention strategies, and advocate for the expansion of evidenced-based community fall prevention programs.” Read More

Tips for Healthy Aging in Honor of Healthy Aging Month

Fellowship Square shares more about how seniors can live their best — and healthiest — lives in their golden years. Read More

Fun Ways to Spend Labor Day with Seniors

While Labor Day weekend tends to signify the unofficial end of summer, there is certainly no end in sight when it comes to this summer’s excessive heat! But there’s no reason to let the heat deter families and friends from getting together this three-day weekend! Fellowship Square offers some easy and fun ways to spend Labor Day cooling off with seniors, caregivers, friends and family! Read More

Organization 101 – Tips for decluttering, downsizing and “letting go” of unneeded items

Fellowship Square offers the following “organization 101 tips” to help seniors get started. Read More

Motivation through the Word of God

Throughout life, in good times and in hard times, in youth and adulthood, God is there to help guide and lead. Fellowship Square fully believes in the power and comfort that can be found in the hand of God and invites its residents and all seniors to reach out to God when in need of extra encouragement or strength. For those that are feeling scared or lonely at times, they might find comfort in the fact that they are never alone — as God is always by their side. Here are some motivating and encouraging Bible verses that can help inspire strength in all children of God. Read More
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